Try to _____ what cars will
look like in the 2050.
a) saddest
b) imagine
c) deserted
d) balance
imagine – verb – to
picture a person or
think in the mind
The sailor was shipwrecked
on a ____ island.
a) freezes
b) saddest
c) imagine
d) deserted
deserted – adjective –
not lived in or on
I lost my _____ while skiing
and fell.
a) deserted
b) wider
c) balance
d) freezes
balance – noun – a safe
position where
something can’t roll
away or fall off
Some aisles in the market
are _____ than others.
a) imagine
b) deserted
c) balance
d) wider
wider – adjective –
covering a larger area
from side to side
Water that _______ turns
into ice.
a) wider
b) freezes
c) saddest
d) imagine
freezes – verb –
becomes solid from
Of my friends, I was the _____
when our teacher moved away.
a) balance
b) wider
c) freezes
d) saddest
saddest – adjective – the
most unhappy