File - Speech Communication

Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
A Project for SPCH 1300 Students
• Make sure you have read the section in your
textbook about the Motivated Sequence AND
worked through the chapter 15 powerpoint
before attempting this project.
The Sequence…
1) Attention Grabber
2) Establish Need
3) Provide Satisfaction
4) Visualization
5) Call to ACTION!!
The Assignment…
• Check your Syllabus for instruction on what to do for
this project. The instructions are on the weekly
assignment section of the Syllabus.
1. Take the topics I give.
2. Find 1 resource (web resources are fine) for each
3. Work each topic through the 5 steps of the sequence.
4. 1 sentence per step is required. You can write more if
you choose.
Example Topic: Need to Donate Blood
1) A. G.- Imagine being able to save 18 lives simply by
giving a precious fluid and half an hour of time.
2) E. N.- hundreds of people die each year due to the
lack of available blood (I would cite this with a
3) P.S.- Blood donations are the answer!
4) V.- Imagine a world where blood banks were always
full and providing life.
5) C. to A.- You can go out now to (Name a location) and
donate your blood.
6) C to a: research and see exactly what the stem cell
enhancement act is and what you can do to help.
First Topic!
Stem Cell Research
a.t: does the study of science interest you?
e.n: the presidents bush and obama have
different opinions on the stem sell research
enhancement act.
p.s: we should try to keep this act going to help
keep the enhancement act alive.
v: will it make life better if we didn’t have this.
No one knows.
Second Topic
Legal Drinking Age
a.g:Is it fair that you have to be a certain age to drink.
e.n: it causes to many accidents and ends too many lives.
p.s:I think the law should be that alcohol is illegal all the
time. No one should be able to drink.
V: imagine how it would be if everyone died because
people were drinking and driving or how you would
feel if your child or loved one died because of a drunk
C to a: do not drink and drive. There are consequences.
Third Topic
Value of Education
a.g: do you attend school? If yes, do you like it?
e.n: every person should attend school sometime or
p.s: if you want to get a good job, sometimes school
can help you get there.
V: if you never went to school, imagine how much
less you would know.
C to a: go to school and get a higher education.
Final Topic
YOUR topic that you are planning on using for your
Persuasive presentation.
a.g: do you text and drive?
e.n: it can cause wrecks because you were not
paying attention to the road.
p.s: I think that phones should not be allowed in a
vehicle unless it is used through a wireless phone
so you don’t have to look at it while driving.
V:think about if you were the victim, and someone
hit you head on because they were texting and
not paying attention.
C to a: do not text and drive
Final Instructions…
• You can either write a word document and put it
in the forum for this assignment…
• OR simply fill in the blanks on this powerpoint
(adding slides as you need them) and submit this
powerpoint in the forum.
• Happy Motivated Sequencing!