Manual Handling Office (PPT 582KB)

Manual handling is any activity
that requires force to
• Lift
• Push
• Pull
• Carry
• Move
• Restrain
How many of
these actions
does your job
The cost and
devastation of
manual handling
injuries outweighs
the total of all other
accidents and
injuries combined
How would/could a
manual handling
accident impact on
your life
It is up to
workplace to:
identify the risks
and then
suggest ways
to minimise
the risks
If a manual handling
accident does occur we
must ask ourselves:
What did happen?
What measures can we
put in place to prevent
a recurrence?
Don’t forget the most
important rule of lifting,
“Do I really need to
lift this?”
Can I lift it with a
mechanical aid?
Can I get someone to
help me lift?
Can I change the way
the work is done?
Our everyday lives
involve some type of
manual handling.
What new habits can
you start today?
Are you
performing your
tasks the safest
way possible?