Uploaded by Ken Kum

Type 2 Conditionals Worksheet: Stuck in a Lift

Type 2 Conditionals
You work in a big company and you are going to leave your office. Unluckily,
you are struck in the office lift with some other people. The emergency alarm
does not work and there is no signal for all of your mobile phones. The
security guard told you all that he could not contact the lift repairman. So you
all need to stay in the lift for the night.
A) You can choose FIVE objects below to help you survive the night. Decide which five things you want
and think about what you would do if you have the following objects.
-a giant 1kg packet of potato chips
-a large pot of coffee
-a bottle of cheap white wine from last year’s office party
-some balloons left over from last year’s office party
-a laptop computer
-a cigarette lighter
-a roll of adhesive tape
-a pencil
-a telephone directory
-a packet of dried milk
-a pair of scissors
-a CD player with some CDs
-a lab coat
-a first-aid kit
B) Who would you like to be stuck in the lift with you? Choose one person from the following list:
-a business leader
-an actor
-a student
-a musician
- a nurse
C) Tell your classmates about your choice.