Nature vs. Nurture

Nature vs. Nurture
Nature Vs. Nurture Controversy
• What is caused by heredity and what is caused by
the environment.
• Heredity: characteristics obtained from genes.
• Environment: a person’s surroundings, which
influence the person’s characteristics.
• Nature= genes and heredity
• Nurture = environment and how you were raised.
• Twins offer a way to find out!
Famous Twins
• Dizygotic: twins who develop from different
eggs fertilized by different sperm. Not
identical. Like siblings born at the same time.
• Monozygotic: twins who develop from one
fertilized egg. Identical twins. Same DNA
• Tell your partner the difference between these
two twins.
What is the Same?
• So if twin genes are the same then will they
have the same abilities, interests, and
personalities. In other words, will they
develop the same?
• Write down there two traits you think twins
would share because of their same DNA.
– Not Physical Traits
Separated at Birth
• What are similarities and differences between
these two sisters.
• Which traits do you think were due to nature
(genes) and which to nurture (environment)?
We’re Still Learning
• There have not been enough twin studies
done to be sure of everything determined by
genes but we do see it playing a big part in our
What Did We Learn
• Fill out Nature vs. Nurture worksheet.
Parenting Styles
Silent Reading
• Read and take notes on pg. 299 Parenting
Parenting Style Reflection
• #4 you need to get comments from your