Nature Vs. Nurture

The Debate of
By: Jordan Coffman and Lorenzo Sebastiani
The Topic of Nature
Nature is the belief that behavioral
characteristics are purely due to the
genes that you are born with.
The Pros of Nature
It is said that a child being born from two
intelligent people will yield similar
intelligence within the child.
 Traits such as generosity, common
sense, passion and critical thinking will
be present in a child born from one, or
both parents with those same traits.
The Cons…
Due to genetic inheritance, you could be
born mentally and/or physically disabled.
 Inappropriate, rude and vulgar behavior
can be, in a way, justified because those
traits were inherited from the parents.
 Genetic arguments might be used to
excuse criminal acts, or to justify things
such as divorce.
Nature usually wins the “Twin” debate for
this subject. Twins grown apart have been
found to be much more similar than twins
grown together, even if they were raised
completely different.
Why Does Nature Matter?
Everyone is born with certain traits, bad
or good, that you get from your parents.
 Being raised right or wrong has little
significance on the type of personality
you have compared to what you’re born
Linda and Doreen
As babies they were separated into two
different households.
 35 years later they were reunited for a
study to decide if twins are more
influenced by nature or nurture.
 Linda stayed with her mom finished high
school and got a education.
 Doreen stayed with a adoptive family,
she was pregnant by seventeen and
never finished high school.
The Test Results
Linda and Doreen went through a
serious of questions to decide if the
were more influenced by nature or
 They both liked darker colors perfumes
they are scared of heights they don’t
drink. This proves that their genes make
people who they are.
Nature Wins
Nature wins because your genes
influence who you are.
 Linda and Doreen had never met each
other and they not only look alike but
they act, like, and hate the same things.