
Slides: Types of Pronouns
Classes of Pronouns: Personal, Relative,
Indefinite, Interrogative, Demonstrative
I, you, she, it, which, that, themselves ,
whoever, me, he, they, mine, ours
All pronouns have antecedents. An antecedent is the
noun that the pronoun refers to replaces.
Larry was considered the important person in the family.
Mrs. Smith and John always deferred to him, though he was
often surly with them and contemptuous toward his
A Personal Pronoun takes the place of a noun
Our coach made her point without raising her voice.
Reflexive: adding -self or -selves
Miss Sally Sunshine loves herself.
John does not seem himself today.
Intensive : is a reflexive pronoun that intensifies, or
emphasizes the noun or pronoun it refers to.
Leo himself taught his children to invest in their lives in
Relative pronouns relate an adjective clause to the
noun or pronoun it modifies.
Students who study regularly get the
best grades.
The dance, which we had looked
forward to for weeks, was cancelled.
An indefinite pronoun often refers to
unnamed or unknown people or things.
I dont know if you’ve known anybody
from that far back; if you’ve loved
anybody that long, first as an infant,
then as a child.
An Interrogative pronoun asks a question.
Who are you? Who could you be? What
do you want for dinner? Where are you
A demonstrative pronoun points out
people, places, or things without naming
This shouldn’t be too hard. That looks
about right.
Theses are the best. Those ought to be
thrown out.
I, me, my mine
we, us, our,
you, your,
they, them
their, theirs
he, him, his
she, her, hers
it, its
Intensive and Reflexive
myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Relative: what, who, whose, whom, which, that
Interrogative: who, whose, whom, which, what
Demonstrative: this, that, these, those
all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything
both, each, each one, either, everybody,everyone
everything, few, many most much neither,
nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other,
several, some, somebody, someone, something, such