Responsible Use of Technology

Oak Valley Middle School
Responsible & Ethical
Use of Technology
Adapted from: Johnson, D. (1999). Teaching Students Right from Wrong in the Digital Age.
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 We are exploring new ways to allow Oak Valley
students to use technology in responsible ways.
Over the course of this year, we want our students:
 To know how to use technology responsibly and
 To know how to keep personal information
 To be sensible about how we present ourselves, our
families, and our school.
 To be intelligent consumers of information.
 We will look at some common cases where students
will need to make responsible choices.
 Over the course of this year, we will discuss and
explore the 3 Ps of Responsible Use (Johnson, 1999):
1. Privacy
2. Property
3. Appropriate Use
 Today, we are going to focus on the issue of
Appropriate Use.
What is Appropriate Use of
Technology mean?
 Working in groups of 4, write what your
group thinks this idea means:
“Appropriate Use of Technology.”
 Your definition can only be 8-12 words.
 You have ten minutes to develop this.
3Ps: Appropriate Use
 “Appropriate Use” may mean that the use of
technology has educational value and it is in
keeping with the rules of my family, my
community, my school and my government.
 In what ways is your team’s definition the
same or different? Which elements are the
same and which elements are different?
3 Ps of Responsible Use (Johnson, 1999): Privacy, Property, Appropriate Use
Cases for Discussion:
Appropriate Use
 Read quietly, as your teacher reads aloud. Be prepared to share
the reasons for your answers, in partners, pairs or in a group.
 Penelope has found a Web site that has "gross jokes" on it. She
prints the pages out and shares them with her friends. Is what
Penelope did:
a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Sometimes right and sometimes wrong depending on the
d) I don't know
3 Ps of Responsible Use (Johnson, 1999): Privacy, Property, Appropriate Use
Responsible Use of Technology
at Oak Valley
Our Common Expectation is:
 Students may use electronics devices
only when directed by a teacher for
academic purposes.
 Students are expected to use the
devices responsibly and in a respectful
Say Something Activity
 After reading our Common Expectation,
Partner One provides a Say Something in
response to the Common Expectation.
 Partner Two may continue the idea Partner
One has initiated or begun.
 When that topic has closed, Partner Two can
provide their Say Something in response to
the Common Expectation.
 Remember to use effective listening and
speaking skills during Say Something
conversations. You will have 10-15 minutes.
So, how does this relate to us now?
 We are exploring new ways to allow Oak Valley
students to use technology in responsible ways.
Over the course of this year, we want our students:
 To know how to use technology responsibly and
 To know how to keep personal information
 To be sensible about how we present ourselves, our
families, and our school.
 To be intelligent consumers of information.
Your Responsibility
 Make sure you understand
what Appropriate Use means
at Oak Valley.
 Take Care of your Hardware
 Report Issues So We Can
Address Them Quickly