
Surya Namaskar 101
Tool Kit for
Sun Salutation Event
Jan 2012, by HSSUS
“Health For Humanity”
What is Surya Namaskar ?
• Literal meaning is
Sun Salutation
Set of simple body postures
Simple and safe* ; 8 minutes exercise
10 Steps = 1 Set
Yoga for all body parts
• Complete workout for : body and Mind !
* Except 3 months’ or more pregnant women and hernia patients
Click on picture for detail
Click anywhere else to continue
10 inhale
1 inhale
9 exhale
8 inhale
2 exhale
3 inhale
7 exhale
6 inhale
4 exhale
5 hold
Physical Benefits:
• 1 Increases blood oxidation
• 2 Increases body flexibility
• 3 Helps with better sleep
• 4 Tones up the digestive system
• 5 Strengthens nervous system
Mental Benefits:
• 1 Increases concentration
• 2 Reduces Stress
• 3 Improves memory
• 4 Enhances ‘mind-body’ coordination
Many more benefits !
Surya Namaskar Yagya
• Organized for “Health for Humanity” in January 2012, by HSSUS
• Around 1 million salutations in 2011
• Proclamations in 2011 by
– City of Cupertino
– City of Sunnyvale
– City of Milpitas
– City of New York
• 10000+ individuals do it each January; Be one of them this time 
This slide for class distribution. Print student name:____________________
Fun With SNY 
Complete Picture1
Paint Picture 2
Draw a Picture similar to Picture 3
Picture 3
Then carefully cut the yellow circle from Picture 3
This slide for class distribution. Print student name:____________________
Quiz Time !
What does 'Surya' mean ?
a. Moon
b. Sun
c. Water
d. Salutation
How much time is needed for sun salutation exercise ?
a. Less than 10 minutes
b. 15 minutes
c. 20 mins
d. 25 mins
In which position is the breath held?
a. Position 4
b. Position 5
c. Position 6
d. Position 7
What is the benefit of sun salutation exercise ?
a. Better oxygenation of blood
b. Better sleep
c. Tones up muscles
d. Increase mental focus and concentration
e. All of the above
Sun Salutation Count !
• Do it daily and See The Difference !
• Provide Your SNY Count on Jan 29th !
• http://www.hssus.org/sny/ , by HSSUS
• Benefits of Sun Salutation
• “Surya Namaskar Philosophy” Video by N.V.Raghuram
• Yoga Arts and Science: ‘Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar’
“'Soorya Namaskar' - Key to Good Health & Long Life” : Bhau Joglekar
Following slides are
for reference only
click on picture to go back
Posture 1
Inhale deeply  join hands  lift the arms above the head 
bend back (as much as you can)  Try to touch the biceps to your ears
•Better oxidation
•Extensor muscles of vertebral column and neck
click on picture to go back
Posture 2
Exhale while bending forward  Try to touch both palms to the ground  Try to
touch your forehead to the knees  Keep your knees straight and firm
•Better blood circulation
•Strengthen lower back
•Increase the elasticity of the lungs tissue
click on picture to go back
Posture 3
Inhale deeply  take the left leg backwards  touch the knees and toes to the ground 
bring the other leg forward such that the right thigh is touching the rib cage  keep
hands and elbows straight such that the palms as well as your right foot are in the same
line  keep your shoulders and head tilted back such that the back forms a concave
•Improves body metabolism
•Builds body defense against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens
click on picture to go back
Posture 4
Exhale fully  take your right leg back and keep both feet together  keep your
legs and hands straight with vision on the ground and the whole body is balanced
on palms and toes
•Body muscles become strong
•Enhances reflex actions
•Improves body metabolism
click on picture to go back
Posture 5
Hold your breath  bend your elbows so that the forehead touches the ground 
touch your forehead, chest, both palms, both knees, both toes to the ground 
stomach is lifted and the body is relaxed
•Strengthens lower back
click on picture to go back
Posture 6
Inhale deeply  Straighten the elbow while pushing the chest out  Push your
shoulders and head back  look towards the sky  knees and toes touching the
ground  spine arched in a concave curve
•Extensor muscles of the vertebral column, spinal cord and neck
click on picture to go back
Posture 7
Exhale fully  Lift the torso without shifting palms and toes  touch both heels to
the ground  straighten arms and knees while pushing the head towards knees
and try to touch the chin to your chest
•Complete stretching of muscles below and above the trunk
click on picture to go back
Posture 8
Repetition of Posture 3 except that this time the left leg is brought forward
• Improves body metabolism
Builds body defense against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens
click on picture to go back
Posture 9
Repetition of Posture 2
• Better blood circulation
• Strengthen lower back
• Increase the elasticity of the lungs tissue
click on picture to go back
Posture 10 (Same as Position 0)
Inhale deeply  stand straight  look forward
• Helps body symmetry
• Improves focus