Publications – Patient Education series

Positions of Suryanamsakara
Surya Namaskara maintains the health of the healthy and helps to improve
the health of those suffering from illness and disease.
Practice Surya Namaskara early in the morning, ideally before sun rise, on an empty
stomach and after defecating. Complete the series of 12 asanas 5-12 times, moving
gracefully between asanas and paying close attention to the body positioning and
breathing. If practiced regularly, this whole body exercise enhance strength and
flexibility, while improving overall health and wellbeing. Surya Namaskara is beneficial
for both preventing and alleviating specific diseases and disorders.
(Om Hrãm Mitrãya Namah)
Fold your hands by joining the palms in front of your chest, and gently press palms
against each other. The two forearms form a continuous horizontal line, with the
knuckle of the thumb at the xiphisternum. Balance the body equally on both feet with
the feet together and parallel. Keep the back and neck straight and look straight ahead.
Observe your breathing. Visualize the sunrise in your mind. As you chant the mantra,
your brain, heart, lungs and intestines are being stimulated
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those suffering from mental health
problems. By increasing the blood flow to the brain, it helps in improving the
physiologic functions. By promoting bio-feedback and concentration through the focus
on one's breathing and bodily postures, the mind relaxes and is rejuvenated, stress is
relieved, and anxiety and depression are alleviated
2.Hasthauttanasana (Om Hrïm Ravaye Namah)
Inhale deeply as you move into the position, smoothly lifting up your arms overhead,
and gently bending backwards from the back and neck. Notice the stretch across the
front of your body. This pose tones muscles, increases lung capacity and encourages
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those afflicted with cardiovascular
and heart diseases. The coordinated breathing and bodily movements promote
stimulation and strengthening of cardiovascular system, increasing circulation of
oxygenated blood to the body, and helps build up cardiac reserve..
(Om Hrüm Süryãya Namah)
Bend forward slowly, exhaling as you bend down, and try to reach your feet
with your palms. Bend only to the extent that your body allows you to without bending
your knees. This pose is beneficial for increasing flexibility of the spine, improves
digestive function and improves memory and concentration as blood flows to the face,
eyes and brain
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those living with obesity. The unique
sequence of postures of the Surya Namaskara activates most of the muscles in the body,
and tones them up. It also helps to burns calories and fat, even as it increases
metabolism. It improves the exercise tolerance, thus promoting greater physical activity
and contributing to overall health of the individual.
4.Ekapaada Visthruthasana (Om Hraim Bhãnave Namah)
Place your arms firmly on either side of, and at the same level as, the feet and move one
foot as far back as possible. Alternate the feet when you repeat the next Surya
Namaskara. Keep the arms straight, the front knee flexed, and stretch the back and neck
backwards. Inhale deeply as you move into this posture. This posture activates and
tones the sympathetic nervous system, improves eyesight and thyroid gland function,
while toning lungs and leg muscles.
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those afflicted with insomnia or
sleep related disorders. By helping to relax the body and calm the mind, regular
Surya namaskara aids in both falling asleep and staying asleep without the use of
5.Adhomukha Shwanaasana (Om Hroum Khagãya Namah)
Exhale into the position, placing the front foot next to the other foot and raising your
torso. Ensure that the palms and feet are completely pressed into the floor. This posture
improves function of the thyroid glands, enhances flexibility of the feet and tones leg
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those suffering from digestive
problems. The activation of Jataraagni promotes better digestion and absorption of
nutrients. In addition to promotion of general nutrition status of the body, it also helps
eliminate problems such as constipation and dyspepsia
6.Saashtanga Namaskara (Om Hrah Püshne Namah)
Exhale as you slowly lower your body to the ground. Eight (ashta) parts of the body
should now be in contact with the ground – the forehead, chest, two palms, two knees
and two feet. Ensure that you pull your abdomen up, away from the ground. Saashtanga
Namaskara encourages self-control and enhances state of mind.
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the reproductive health of women. It helps to
regulate monthly cycles, decrease the fear of pregnancy and childbirth and ease the
pain of childbirth.
7.Bhujangasana (Om Hrãm Hiranyagarbhãya Namah)
Inhale as you raise your head upwards by arching the spine. The body weight should rest
only on the palms and toes. Bhujangasana increases alertness, flexibility of the spine
and elasticity of the lungs while strengthening the hands and feet.
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those with diabetes. It minimizes
fluctuation of blood sugar levels, ensures proper function of the endocrine system and
proper use of hormones within the body.
8.Adhomukha Shwanaasana (Om Hroum Khagãya Namah)
Exhale into Adhmukhashwanaasana. Ensure the palms and feet are completely pressed
into the floor. This posture improves function of the thyroid glands,
enhances flexibility of the feet and tones leg muscles
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those with arthritis or joint pain.
The forward and backward stretching performed during Surya Namaskara, gradually
increases flexibility and mobility of the joints. Joint mobility is known to enhance
cartilage nutrition, reduce cartilage degeneration and promote healing, all leading to
alleviation of pain and stiffness.
9.Ekapaada Visthruthasana (Om Hrüm Ädityaya Namah)
Inhale as you step one foot forward and stretch the neck upwards. This posture
activates and tones the sympathetic nervous system, improves eyesight and thyroid
gland function, while toning lungs and leg muscles.
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those suffering from lung diseases
like asthma. The whole respiratory system is strengthened. Improvement in lung
volume, breath holding capacity and lung perfusion are achieved by practicing
controlled, deep breathing. Constant focus on one's breathing, and coordination of
inhalation-exhalation cycle with the body movements, enhances concentration as well.
10.Paadahasthasana (Om Hraim Savitre Namah)
Bend forward slowly, exhaling as you bend down, and try to reach your feet with your
palms. Bend only to the extent that your body allows you to without bending your
knees. This pose is beneficial for increasing flexibility of the spine, improves digestive
function and improves memory and concentration as blood flows to the face, eyes and
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to improve the health of those suffering from skin disorders.
By increasing the flow of oxygenated blood to the skin, toxins are flushed from the
body, leaving skin clean, clear and rejuvenated.
11.Hasthauttanasana (Om Hroum Arkäya Namah)
Inhale deeply as you move into the position, smoothly lifting up your arms overhead,
and gently bending backwards from the back and neck. Notice the stretch across the
front of your body. This pose tones muscles, increases lung capacity and encourages
Benefits Surya Namaskara helps to maintain the internal equilibrium of the three Humours
(Doshas), namely the Vaata, Pitta and Kapha. 'Disease' is basically a state of altered
equilibrium between these three humours. Prevention of such an imbalance ensures
that risk of developing illness and disease decreases. Proper channelizing of the
functions of these three humours promotes immunity and positive health.
12.Namaskarasana (Om Hrah Bhãskarãya Namah)
Exhale into the final position. Observe your breathing and maintain full, steady breaths.
Namaskarasana is beneficial to develop awareness and steady the mind.
Benefits Surya Namaskara maintains the health of the healthy and helps to improve the overall
well being of all. Coordinated breathing and body movements, and constant and active
observation of one's breaths and movements by the mind, builds a synergistic
relationship between mind, body and breath. This results in increased concentration,
self awareness and peace.