z Aligning of M&E with the national M&E system Madagascar Caroline Bidault – ACPM Eastern and Southern Africa Division Regional Implementation Workshop 2010 Background 2007 the CAPFIDA launched the Monitoring Evaluation and Knowledge Management System (SEGS) Goal of the initiative to simplify the function of M&E to make it operational in the field to have it fit into a strategic orientation of results, innovation and knowledge management There is a Value Chain linking M/E, KM and C Monitor activities Evaluate results-impacts Harvest – Analyse - Synthesize Share – Disseminate Sharing-Learning Generating new Knowledge Disseminating Upscaling Madagascar National M&E system Monitoring MAP implementation tool Concerns all ministries and technical and financial partners Agricultural statistics Data Base Data Collection National Integrated M&E System SNISE MINAGRI M&E System Rural and Food Security Information System SIRSA Interaction between Country Prg., IFAD Rome & Government IFAD headquarter Government Mada Action Plan COM EC /Rural Poverty Portal KM SNISE Min of Fin Minagri M&E Finance Country Programme IRC / PT / Policy RIMS LGS SNISE • 2007 and 2008 – SNISE was applied – Reports published • 2009: Political Crisis •Since : Government Mada Action Plan SNISE •Study on “How to develop and Min of Fin ensure better linkages between SEGS and SNISE through Minagri Minagri M&E Unit” •Developed common indicators dictionary Where are we now? • Second phase of SEGS just started – Strengthen synergies between CAPFIDA and MINAGRI – Increase information exchange between Capfida, SNISE, Minagri M&E. – Harmonise tools – More analysis of better quality – Develop a consolidated Data Base – Progressively everything on-line • Joined the One UN Madagascar team group on SEGS : HayZara • Still an on-going process COSOP M&E Synthesis COSOP Monitoring On-line On-line database CAPFIDA Analysis RIMS, 1D & financial Maps Data consolidation in off-line DataBase AD2M PROJECTS PSR Suivi synthétique du cadre logique Rapport qualitatif Financier Analyse composantes RIMS, 1D & financier RIMS Annexe 1D Rapports semestriels PHBM II PSR Suivi synthétique du cadre logique Rapport qualitatif Financier PPRR PROSPERER AROPA Analyse composantes RIMS, 1D & financier RIMS Annexe 1D Rapports semestriels PSR Suivi synthétique du cadre logique Rapport qualitatif Financier Analyse composantes RIMS, 1D & financier RIMS Annexe 1D Rapports semestriels PSR Suivi synthétique du cadre logique Rapport qualitatif Financier Off-line Analyse composantes RIMS, 1D & financier RIMS Annexe 1D Rapports semestriels WWW.CAPFIDA.MG Thank you