CBSE-i RIMS Undri has been bestowed with CBSE-i Affiliation The 1st school in Pune to receive this Accreditation CBSE-i To quote from the letter of the esteemed CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION “ We are delighted to inform you that the Competent Authority has granted approval to implement CBSE-i Curriculum in your school in view of the recommendations of the Committee that visited your school.” CBSE-i What is CBSE -i ?? An internationally benchmarked global curriculum by CBSE which will address global needs KEY FEATURES Enquiry and skill based curriculum Catering to individual learning styles Learner and learning centric Focus on Experiential Learning Focus on Analytical and discovery approach Focus on Real world experiences In CBSE-i the five learning areas are represented as five petals which intersect in a trans-disciplinary manner LANGUAGES ENGLISH AND HINDI PERFORMING ARTS VISUAL ARTS PHYSICAL EDUCATION MATHEMATICS CORE AND ELECTIVE ICT SOCIAL STUDIES PERSPECTIVES LIFE-SKILSS SEWA RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTA L EDUCATION, HISTORY, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL LIFE, GEOGRAPHY SCIENCES ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION,GENERA L SCIENCE, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY , BIOLOGY , NEW AGE SCIENCE At Rims Undri the existing curriculum already involves the requirements of CBSE- i CBSE-i LANGUAGES: Students will study two languages and third language would be introduced from class VI SOCIAL STUDIES:It is a combination of History, Geography, Social and Political Structures MATHEMATICS: Core Mathematics for all students which will include Math lab activities, ICT skills too SCIENCE: It would encompass Physical , Geographical, Cultural and Social Environment The above subjects are already an integral part of the RIMS Undri curriculum CBSE-i Physical Education , an integral part of CBSE- i curriculum and is already imbibed in our Academic Schedule CBSE-i PERFORMING ARTS DRAMA MUSIC Personal expression and articulation of ideas MUSIC CBSE-i VISUAL ARTS AIMED AT PROMOTING INTELLECTUAL, AESTHETIC AND EMOTIONAL GROWTH. CBSE-i PERSPECTIVES LIFE-SKILSS SEWA RESEARCH SEWA: SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT THROUGH WORK AND ACTION All students to be a part of community service by associating themselves to an NGO Keep a journal of their service and a log of their hours Community Service CBSE-i LIFE SKILLS Communication Skills Creative Thinking Decision Making Leadership Skills CBSE-i PERSPECTIVES Debate Global PERSPECTIVE Research Local Discussion CBSE-i In a Nutshell CBSE-i is an integral part of the CBSE Board , only a more advanced version deeply rooted in the Indian culture. CBSE-i is the need of the 21st century and a quest to globalize education RIMS is proud to be a pioneer propagating this new philosophy of education that brings international education to the doorsteps of the Indian Milieu.