GYMNASTICS Lesson 8 - Record of work - Impact of emotional factor Lesson Objective – Lesson 8 Today we will… 1. Write up session two of training Diary 2. Explain the impact of an emotional factor on our performance 3. Describe chosen area for development Training Diary Session: Two Approach Used: Gradual Build Up Plan / Work Completed Warm Up Describe a possible warm-up Part One – Skill development Describe the HFR stages you completed Part Two – Rotation Development Describe the two stations you completed yesterday Success Criteria: Feedback Received: What was the success criteria for you had to achieve for HFR progressions Who provided you with feedback Feedback told me What did they tell you about your performance Impact of Emotional Factor Impact of an emotional factor Gymnastics Workbook 1. Read Pages 10 • Positive impact of an emotional factor 2. Read Pages 12 • Negative impact of an emotional factor Word Bank Emotional Factor Confidence Fulfil potential Panic Stress Anxiety Belief in own ability Resilience Feelings Thinking about Scared Nervous Sick Jelly legs Just don’t feel right Breathing quickly Dizzy Uncomfortable Failing Injuring myself Getting hurt What might go wrong Can’t do this – doubting ability Giving up Embarrassing myself Everyone laughing Impact of an emotional factor Gymnastics Workbook – Page 14 1. Explain the positive impact of your emotions • Positive impact of an emotional factor 2. Explain the negative impact of your emotions • Negative impact of an emotional factor Development Need Development Need Physical (Skill) What’s your second Development Need Gymnastics Workbook – Page 16 1. Read the example development needs given • Decision Making • Anxiety / Fear 2. Create a word bank to help you describe your 2nd area for development 3. Answer the question on Page 17 of your gymnastics workbook