Mahdi fitness portfolio Mahdi Fazaldin’s portfolio Name: Mahdi Fazaldin Class- 6A Age:13 years old Height –134cm Weight- 28kg • Unit 1 gymnastics ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Push-up – Sit-upBurpee-14 (1 min) Sit and stretch-6cm Jumps-24 (1 min9) Run - 27 Body Management skills 1. Tucked dish 2. Staddle sit 3. Arch 4. Front support 5. Right splits 6. Box splits 7. Left splits 8. Shoulder flexibility 9. Broad Jump 10.Rebound jumps 11.Back support what is Gymnastics? •Gymnastics is a fun activity that is the foundation for all sports and physical activity. Gymnastics teaches participants how to move, roll, jump, swing and turn upside down. Benefit of Gymnastics Increased coordination Developing strength Developing cognitive skills Developing the bones Fun Confidence. Developing selfesteem. Developing social skills. Enhance bodyflexibility