think differently & Get more jobs! What Successful Organizations Are Doing Bill Santos EMP Oakville New Approaches were needed How to deal with job seekers that could not access the market as a result of their own efforts? How to deal with job seekers that were not motivated to work - or stay working? Our goal as a Company To ensure that job seekers will all types of barriers to employment could access and keep employment. To do this at a systemic and operational level. Begin by sorting the job seekers Three possible groups Each group demands different intervention strategies People who with some development and/or support will be able to find and sustain work on their own! - Easy to Serve Each group demands different intervention strategies People who have no real access to the labor market; can have any level of employment barrier and above or below average skill competencies - Harder to Serve Each group demands different intervention strategies People who should be able to get work on their own or through third party job development, but do not and if they do, they cannot keep the job Chronically Unemployed The Employment barrier profiles • • Profile “A” CAN get a job on their own (motivated & skilled) • • skilled) Key Barriers: Does not know how to self market to the employer Profile “B” SHOULD be able to get• Cannot get by employer’s perception a job on their own, but of external cannot (motivated & characteristics The Employment barrier profiles • • Profile “C” WANT to get a job but cannot (Limited skills & motivated) Profile “D” WON’T work or cannot hold a job (maybe skills & no motivation) • • • Key Barriers: Limited abilities and cannot get by employer’s perception of external characteristics Not motivated to work Two intervention strategies Developmental Interventions/Strategies - interventions that focus on the job seeker with the intent of enhancing the job seeker’s competencies Two intervention strategies Marketing Interventions/Strategies interventions that focus on the employer with the intent of gaining acceptance of the job seeker. The basic belief The employability standard is achieved through a linear developmental process. Linear - progress in one direction - successful completion of one step grants entry into the next. Intake Assessment Developmental Training Job Placement Marketing developmental interventions Growth in competencies and their recognition got you a job All clients will be able to develop sufficiently Intensification of the predominant development strategy was most effective for people with more employment barriers Barrier Profiles & Interventions Profile “A” Developmental Intervention Profile “B” - Marketing Intervention Profile “C” - Marketing Intervention (Reframing Marketing) Profile “D” Developmental Intervention (Re-motivate) an alternative strategy This is a ‘micro’ not a ‘macro’ strategy At a macro level employers will not ‘reframe’ their employability standards whereas they will at a micro level Employability standards at a micro level are changed through marketing interventions because hiring decisions are highly volatile How do you get an employer to Reframe? How do you get an employer to reframe (shift) their hiring criteria? Timing/viability Non-competitive Probing Building solutions that benefit the employer exchange theory Costs Benefits Perception Myths! You have to be Job Ready to work! The more barriers a job seeker has - the more time you need to spend with the job seeker! The Programs Employment Outcomes - The Ideas (EOI) - One day program that provides the foundation models and strategic framework to ensure employment outcomes for all job seekers regardless of employment barriers. Facilitation - 1 day Employment Outcomes Professional (EOP) Two day program that teaches the practical marketing skills needed for successful job development. Facilitation - 2 days The Programs Employment Outcomes Management Professional (EOMP) - Two day workshop for the job development manager and/or the job development team, on enhancing management effectiveness in generating employment outcomes through better operational planning. Facilitation - 2 days Reframing the Hiring Decision (RHD) - Two day program that teaches the advanced marketing and sales skills needed to generate specialized employment for people with skill limitations but motivation to work. Facilitation - 2 days The Programs Employment Outcomes Coaching (EOC) Individual job developers will get on site sales call coaching involving: Preparing for the call Making the employer call Post meeting debriefing and skill enhancement Coaching - 1/2 day per job developer For more information • Bill Santos - EMP Oakville • (416) 346-5815 • •