
Date: May 13th 2011
1.Write down homework
2.Homework check
3.Introduction to Persuasion
4.Persuasive commercial
5.Persuasion vocabulary
6.Create a poster for a cause or product using all the
advertisement strategies. Label the strategies!
7.Pop Quiz!
8.Set up Persuasive writing portfolio
Think about the following questions:
1. What is this
commercial about?
What is the
2. How does it appeal
to your emotions?
3. How does it appeal
to logic or reason?
What are the
4. How does it appeal
to credibility? Who
is endorsing it?
1. What is the call to
Appeal to emotion
An advertisement using pathos will attempt to:
•Evoke an emotional response in the consumer.
a) Positive emotion such as happiness: an image of
people enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi.
b) Negative emotions such as pain: a person having
back problems after buying the “wrong” mattress.
c) Fear and guilt: images of a starving child persuade
you to send money.
Appeal to logic or reason
facts, numbers and information
An advertisement using logos will give you:
1. the evidence and statistics you need to
fully understand what the product does.
2. the "straight facts" about the product:
Example: One glass of Florida orange juice
contains 75% of your daily Vitamin C needs.
Appeal to credibility or character
An advertisement using ethos will try to:
1.Convince you that the company is more reliable, honest, and
credible; therefore, you should buy its product.
2.Give statistics from reliable experts, such as nine out of ten
dentists agree that Crest is the better than any other brand or
Americas dieters choose Lean Cuisine.
Often, a celebrity endorses a product to lend it more
credibility: Jennifer Lopez gets women to buy make up. Kobe
makes us want to buy Nike shoes!
Sense of urgency/ Call to action
An advertisement that uses kairos will:
1.Tell you that you only have a limited time to purchase something or
do something
2.Tell you why your help will make a difference
3.Urge you to believe or act
Practice pathos, logos, and ethos by
identifying each of the following
____A child is shown covered in bug bites after using an inferior bug
_____ Tiger Woods endorses Nike
_____ Sprite Zero is 100% sugar-free
_____ A 32-oz. bottle of Tide holds enough to wash 32 loads
_____ A commercial shows an image of a happy couple riding in
a Corvette.
_____ Cardiologists recommend Ecotrin more than any other brand of
_____ Advil Liqui-Gels provide up to 8 hours of continuous pain relief
_____ Miley Cyrus appears in Oreo advertisements.
_____ People who need more energy drink Red Bull Energy
_____ A magazine ad shows people smiling while smoking cigarettes
Date: May 16th 2011
1.Write down homework
2.Homework check
3.Present poster for a cause or product using all the
advertisement strategies.
4.Persuasion: Vocabulary
5.Smoking Ban essay- Label essay parts.
This is when you can
use Ethos, Pathos, or
Logos. You can use
evidence that will
appeal to the reader’s
sense of credibility,
emotion or logic.
This is when you can
use Ethos, Pathos, or
Logos. You can
arguments that will
appeal to the reader’s
sense of credibility,
emotion or logic.
This is when you can
use Ethos, Pathos, or
Logos. You can use
reasons that will appeal
to the reader’s sense of
credibility, emotion or
This is when you can
use Ethos, Pathos, or
Logos. You can use
evidence that will
appeal to the reader’s
sense of credibility,
emotion or logic.
Caution: Cigarettes can be hazardous to your health
Being around people who smoke can kill you!
According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, “second
hand smoke exposure
causes an estimated
3,400 lung
cancer deaths
annually among adult nonsmokers in the United
Attention grabber!
Engage your reader!
Background information
Research demonstrates that second
hand smoke is as bad as smoking a
cigarette. For everyone's sake, the
smoking law should be passed because
1 it can take time way from businesses,
2 be dangerous in the work area, and
3 leave a bad impression on visitors to
the office. Thesis Statement
Opinion + 1, 2, 3
Each of your
points will be a
You may also use
them as your topic
Supporting details
Signal word/
Topic Sentence
To begin with, smoking takes time away from business. Although some people
may argue that smoking a cigarette takes only a minute, we know that it takes
more than a couple of minutes. When a person smokes it takes time from his/her
work every time he/she stops to light up a cigarette. This can really hurt him/her
and his/her co-workers in the long run. For example, if someone is always busy
concentrating on getting his lungs to burn, they can’t be concentrating on much of
everything else. That means his/her work is going to suffer. Also, it is not safe for
people to smoke and do things at the same time. Can you imagine a shelf stocker
carrying a cigarette dangling from his lips? One trip, and boom! The thing goes
down throat, and his esophagus turns into firewood. In addition, it would be kind
of awkward to have to worry about putting your cigarette down all the time. “Hey,
boss wants to see you man!” worker has to put his cigarette down. “Your wife is
on the phone!” Worker has to put his cigarette out. “Can you help me here?”
Again there is the inconvenience of the cigarette. Clearly cigarettes waste
everyone’s time at work.
Closing sentence
Closing sentence
Supporting details
Signal word/
Topic Sentence
Second, smoking should be banned because
it can be
dangerous in the work area. Even if there is a designated area for
smokers, the smoke can be filtered through the air conditioning
system. To demonstrate, the effects of second hand smoke can
last a lifetime, which fellow employees are running out of. One
person’s cigarette can make almost everyone in the area sick. In
fact, about fifty percent of the people who die from heart attacks
have smoked or been around someone who smokes a lot. Besides,
hurting their co-workers, smoking during work hours can also hurt
the smoker. For every cigarette they burn, their lungs are looking
more and more like chopped up rat’s fur. Next, there is always the
chance of burning the building down. If the smoker accidentally
drops the wrapper of a cigarette, it could easily catch the building on
fire and whammo! The building will burn down. Obviously,
smoking can be a hazard to both the smoker and the
Signal word/
Topic Sentence
Last, smoking can leave a bad impression on a visitor to the
office. Eventhough, some people believe that the quality of work
produced would be the most important thing, smokers can harm
business income. For instance, no one can have any respect
for people who commit suicide by sticking that cigarette into
their mouths. They know better, they’ve been taught better, and
they can be better, but still they continue to smoke. Likewise,
when someone walks in and sees all the employees with their
cigarettes in their mouths, it makes it look like no work ever gets
done. Which could actually be true. Surely, any of these
samples would leave guests with a negative impression on
the business. (opinion)
Closing sentence
Signal word/
Restate thesis
In conclusion, as you can see smoking should be
banned because it can take time away from work, be
dangerous to the work area, and leave a bad
impression on visitors. We must prevent smokers
with their suicide machines from harming us with
their second hand smoke. Make sure you and all
your co-workers go out and vote yes on the
smoking ban!