Do Now:
 Explain how the French and Indian War changed the
colonial world.
 Britain’s territory in North America expands.
 World’s strongest empire
 France loses all territories in N.A.
 Spain loses Florida-Britain
 13 colonies united
 Sets up stage for Revolutionary War.
 Went on 3 different British
missions to try to take Fort
 All three ended in defeat. .
 1st: never even reached its
destination, stopping to
build Fort Necessity, which
then was surrendered to
French troops.
 2nd: was with Gen. Edward
Braddock, but the result
was the same and the
defeat even greater: the
French smashed the British
again, and Braddock was
shot dead.
 3rd: 1758, British and
American troops set out
again to take fort Duquesne
only to find it burned to the
ground by the retreating
ordered a march
through the
wilderness to a
heavily fortified Fort
Out of the 1,400
British soldiers who
were in involved in
the battle, 900 of
them died
Sec. of state during
the French and
Indian War. When
the British retook
Fort Duquesne, they
named it Fort Pitt in
honor of their Prime
Minister. Pitt was
responsible for
financing the British
war effort, largely by
taxing the British
colonies (including
those in America).
Brilliant British
won the two most
difficult battles of
the war
• Louisbourg
• Quebec
Scouting Report (Advantages)
 More settlers lived in the British colonies
 The British colonies were concentrated along the coast
and were easier to defend
 Most of the English colonists were willing to fight hard
to save their land
Scouting Report (Advantages)
 French
 The French controlled more land in North America
 New France had a single colonial government that
could act quickly
 The French sent ships with professional soldiers
 The French could rely on powerful Indian allies
Pre- Game
 1753: Both countries want control of territories West of
Appalachian Mtns.
 GW goes West to ask the French to leave
 French: “No!”
 GW returns to VA
 July 1754: Battle Ft. Necessity
 GW builds fort while waiting for reinforcement- Ft.
Necessity (poor location)
 Ft. Necessity is attacked by the French and floods.
British surrender.
 French take over and name Ft. Duquesne.
Half (British Losses)
 1755: Braddock’s defeat
 British went to attack Ft. Duquesne
 Confusion ensues
 Braddock dies, 2/3 of British army dies
 Fr. Keep control of ORV
Change your strategy!
 Put yourself in Britain’s position.
 Its 1755 and every battle against France has been onesided. Time is running out, if you continue losing in
this fashion it will be a quick war. What would you do to
change your luck?
(Discuss with partner)
Halftime (Coaching Change)
 William Pitt- new sec. of state
 More $ into war- *eventually putting Br. In debt
 Sent in younger generals
Half (British Victories)
 1758: Louisbourg (North St. Lawrence)
 Captured Ft. Louisbourg giving the British access to St.
Lawrence River
 Captured Ft. Duquesne and rename it Fort Pitt
 James Wolfe prepares to attack Quebec (Capital)
Half (British Victories)
 Battle of Quebec – TURNING POINT OF THE
 British scout finds a path leading to the back of the
fort (quebec)
 British sneak up the path during the night and attack
in the morning.
 British capture Quebec
 Wolfe dies
 French surrender!!
 1763: Treaty of Paris
 officially ended the F & I War.
 Br. gained control over area west of the 13
British Colonies all the way to the
Mississippi River.
 Fr. agreed to give up any colonies in North
America, including all of Canada.
 Since Spain had helped Fr., the Spanish were
forced to give up Florida. But the Spanish still
held their territory west of the Mississippi River
and in Central and South America.
 William Pitt
Pontiac’s Rebellion
 After the war, Colonists settled on N.A. land.
 N.A. attacked all British forts
 Pontiac’s Rebellion- Chief Pontiac
 Br. Officers invited N.A. to discuss a settlement
 Gave them small-pox infected blankets as gifts
Deadly outbreak of disease among N.A.
Proclamation of 1763
 Br. Realized how difficult it would be to control their
vast empire
 Wanted to avoid further conflicts with N.A.
 Issue Proclamation of 1763
Colonists forbidden from settling west of Appalachian Mtns.
 Colonists angry
 Begins dispute against Great Britain…………….
Exit Slip
 List three effects of the French and Indian War.
 How may the U.S. be different today if the results of
the French and Indian War differed?
Do Now:
 What was the Proclamation of 1763? What affect did
the Proclamation have on the colonies?
 Proc. Of 1763 was a response to the Treaty of Paris &
Pontiac’s Rebellion.
 Br. Realized how difficult it will be to control vast
 Colonists forbidden from settling west of Appalachian
 Why were the Col. so upset?
Proclamation of 1763
Do Now:
 “It is important for us, my brothers, that we
exterminate from our lands this nation which seeks
only to destroy us…. Therefore my brothers, we must
all swear their destruction and wait no longer”.
 Which side will you choose?
 In the 1750s war was about to break out between the
French and the English. Native American tribes were
faced with a tough choice. Which side would they
choose? Use these facts to help you make a decision.
•Want to use your land for fur trading
•Have married Native Americans and
raised families with them in America
Want to use your land for fur trading
and farming
Think that Native Americans are
•Have many missionaries living in the west
that try to convert Native Americans to
Want to expand their territory further to
the West
•Have a relatively small population in
Have a steadily growing population in