Powerpoint - Media Smart

Digital Adwise
T-Mobile Lesson 5
How a digital ad is made
featuring T-Mobile and Saatchi &
Learning Outcomes
• To understand that ads are produced by
agencies for clients
• To look at how online ads are developed and
their strategies
• To understand the process of a making a digital
campaign, and the different roles of personnel
Starter- Pitching an idea
When a company want to advertise a product
they will ask an advertising agency to design
an ad for them.
The company will usually ask more than one
advertising agency to explain their ideas and
will then choose the idea that they like the
The advertising agency with the best idea is
then paid to produce the advert for the
Starter- Pitching an Idea
Each advertising company wants to be chosen
to produce the advert. They have to compete
with the other advertising agencies to get the
Their presentation needs to convince the
company that their advertising campaign will
sell the product. This persuasive and
informative presentation is called a pitch.
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
T-Mobile Campaign
Today we are going to look at the way an advertising
campaign is organised.
T-Mobile is a communications company and they
employed the advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi
to produce an advertising campaign for them.
What was the brief that they gave the advertising
company? Listen to it here
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
T-Mobile Campaign
T-Mobile thought that the advertising
company called Saatchi and Saatchi had the
best ideas.
Saatchi and Saatchi were paid to produce the
campaign for T-Mobile which included this
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
T-Mobile Campaign
Who was the target audience?
What was the slogan? Why?
What formats were used in the
campaign? Why?
Which images helped to sell the
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Marketing Director
Let’s meet Lysa,
Head of Brand, T-Mobile
Watch Interview
• What was the product
you were trying to sell?
• What did you hope to
achieve with this
• Who was your target
• What were you trying to
say about T-Mobile?
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Account Director
• Why was the pitch so
Let’s meet Sally,
Business Leader at Saatchi & • What were your initial
ideas for the campaign?
• What did you hope to
achieve with this
• Who was your target
Watch Interview
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Creative Director
Let’s meet Rick and Steve, • How did you come up
with the ideas for the
Creatives at Saatchi &
• How did you know it
would work?
Watch Interview
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Filming Director
Let’s meet Ed ,
TV producer at Saatchi &
Watch Interview
• How did you film the TV
ads and video material?
• What was the best thing
that happened?
• What was the worst
thing that happened?
• How do you feel about
the finished TV ad?
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Placement Planner
Let’s meet Gareth,
Planner at Saatchi &
Watch Interview
• Where did you place the
• Why did you decide to
place them there?
• Why did you decide to
use digital ads?
• Which ads were seen by
the most people ?
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Our Class is an advertising agency
Our client is the Head Teacher.
The Head Teacher has asked us to come up with
an advertising campaign for the school open day.
The campaign should encourage parents to visit
the school and should showcase some of the
exciting activities that go on during a school day.
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Our Class is an advertising agency
Marketing Director: Class Teacher
Account Directors: Teaching Assistant
Creative Team: Group A and Group B
Planners: Group C
If we are successful (and the Head Teacher likes
our ideas) we will get the opportunity to take on
the roles of Filming Directors, Digital Directors and
Web-designers too!
The Brief
• The school needs an advert for an open day.
• The advert will be aimed at parents.
• The advert should encourage parents to visit
the school and take a guided tour.
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Account Director
The Account Director will be overseeing the work and
offering support when needed.
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Creative Team A
• Choose three images for the ads
Success Criteria
I can explain why the images I have selected will
appeal to parents.
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
Creative Team B
• Choose a slogan for the ads
Success Criteria
I can give reasons for selecting the slogan.
Activity 1: How is an ad made?
• Choose three formats for the ads
• Decide where these adds will be placed
Success Criteria
I can explain why the formats I have selected will
appeal to parents.
I can explain why I have chosen to place adverts in
particular locations.
Activity 2
Pitch your idea to the Head Teacher
• You are now going to work in groups of three to create a pitch
for the Head Teacher.
• You will need to explain your ideas clearly.
• Each group will have two creative directors and one planner.
• Give each other time to share your ideas.
• Can you create a pitch which will persuade the Head Teacher
that our advert will be effective?
Activity 2
Pitch your idea to the Head Teacher
1) Explain why the slogan will appeal to
2) Explain why you have selected these images.
What aspects of the school are you
3) Explain the formats you will use. Give three
good reasons why you think the formats you
have selected will be noticed by parents.
Where and when will they see
the ads?
4) How will parents feel when they see the
ad? Why will they be persuaded to come
to the open day? Can you say why you think
your ad will work in one sentence?
Success Criteria
What makes a good pitch?
What other information could have been included in the
Was the pitch successful?
If we receive the money to produce the ad what resources
would we need?
How long will it take to produce?
How much would it cost?
Could we lower the cost by using different formats?