The Six Essential Nutrients Health and Nutrition Take a 5 minutes Complete the K and W Parts of the KWL chart Create a section for each of the following: • Water • Minerals • Proteins • Vitamins • Carbohydrates • Fats Brief Overlook at Nutrients hp?video_id=139593 What are the 6 Essential Nutrients? Water Minerals Proteins Vitamins Carbohydrates Fats Water W A T E R orks to keep muscles and skin toned ids in weight loss ransports oxygen & nutrients to cells liminates toxins & waste from the body and helps with digestion egulates body temperature Sources: water, juices, soups Minerals Minerals build bones, teeth, blood and helps the body use energy. Iron • Transports oxygen around the body in the red blood cells • Sources: red meat, green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals Calcium • Keeps bones and teeth strong • Sources: milk, cheese Protein Builds and repairs cells Fights infections Makes blood strong Sources: tuna, chicken, milk, egg Vitamins Facilitate and regulate body processes. Essential for growth and health Sources: • • Vitamin C—orange juice Vitamin D – Sun, milk Carbohydrates Provide energy for muscles, nerves and the brain Good sources of fiber that are essential for digestion Sources: bread, cereal, potatoes, beans Fats Provides energy and helps digestion Not all fats are good for you, but you need monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Use fats sparingly Sources: butter, oil To Review atch?v=CiOBhgxdhYo Complete your KWL chart Match the nutrient with the definition A. B. C. D. E. F. Water Carbohydrates Minerals Proteins Fats Vitamins 1. 2. 3. Builds bones, teeth, and blood. Also helps body use energy Builds and repairs cells. Fights infections Facilitate and regulate body processes Answers C1: Minerals Builds bones, teeth, and blood. Also helps body use energy D2: Proteins Builds and repairs cells. Fights infections F3: Vitamins Facilitate and regulate body processes Match the nutrient with the definition A. B. C. Water Carbohydrates Fats 1. Provide energy for muscles, nerves, and the brain 2. Transports other nutrients to cells, carries wastes away, and aids in digestion 3. Provides energy and helps digestion. A select few of the other nutrients will turn in to this if you consume excessive amounts. Answers B1 Carbs provide energy to muscles and brain A2 Water is the body’s transportation system C3 Fat provides energy, but if we consume too much carbs and protein they will also turn to fat