
8th Grade Week 36 Agenda & Obj. 5/6/13-5/10/13
Monday: Review MCA Prep!!
• Demonstrate command of…standard Engl. Grammar…simple, compound, complex…
• & Determine two or more central ideas…
• & Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn…
• Analyze how particular elements of a story interact (eg how setting shapes the
characters or plot).
• Determine meaning of words and phrases…
Tuesday & Wednesday: Testing & Novel Study
• Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn…
• Determine meaning of words and phrases…
• Determine meaning of words and phrases…
• Analyze how different elements of a story…
Thursday: Review
• Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn…
• Determine meaning of words and phrases…
• Determine meaning of words and phrases…
• Analyze how different elements of a story…
Friday: Quiz & Wrap up
• Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis…inferences drawn…
• Determine two or more central ideas…
• Analyze how different elements of a story…
• By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature and other texts…
Daily Writing: Nature
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain
with detail:
• “Green is the prime color of
the word, and that from which
its loveliness arises.” ~ Pedro
• “Look deep into nature, and
then you will understand
everything better.” ~ Albert
Monday: MCA!!!
• Show me your roots part 2 &
editor’s check list with edited
draft, and hand in your reading
test prep.
o E-mail 2nd draft by tomorrow:
o Friday quiz on AF vocab part 1,
roots 1 & 2, and AF reading chpt
1 & 2.
Multiple Choice Questions
• Read the question and all answer
choices before marking anything.
• Go back to the text!
• Think about your justification for the
BEST answer.
• Remember – they will try to “trick” you
with other good answers, but there is
only one BEST answer.
The Process of Elimination
• Eliminate choices that you know are
• If you can eliminate two wrong
answers, your chance of choosing the
right answer is greater.
• Don't guess blindly, but if you have
time to think about the best answer
choice, make it!
I know C isn’t
the answer!
Key Words
• Find key words or phrases in
the question that will help you
choose the correct answer.
• Make sure you understand
what the question is asking.
• Be sure you are responding to
the question that is being
Skip, Return, Check
If you finish early, check to make
sure you have answered all
questions and that you’ve
chosen the BEST answer.
Monday: Review
1. Competition! In groups of 3 or 4, listen to the
passage and answer the multiple choice
2. Review roots & vocab.
3. Last 10 mins:
Journal title: Power
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts
absolutely.” How can this statement be true among
friends? School situations? Local and national
government? What happens in EACH relationship when
there is no check to absolute authority? What
constitutional checks exist within our government to limit
absolute power? In your opinion, are these checks
sufficient? Why or why not? At least a page!
Daily Writing: Trust 5/7/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain
with detail:
• “Love all, trust few, do wrong
to none.” William Shakespeare
• “Learning to trust is one of
life’s most difficult tasks.” ~
Isaac Watts
Tuesday: Animal Farm
Show me Journal title: Power
o Due TODAY! 2nd draft short
o Due Thursday: Read AF
chapters I and II and finish
questions part 1.
o Friday quiz on AF vocab part
1, roots 1 & 2, and AF reading
Tuesday: Animal Farm
1. Think.Pair.Share
o Share your ideas on the prereading with a partner (3 minutes).
o Class discussion.
2. Read background/synopsis. Keep
this!!! There may be test questions
on this info.
3. Hand out books/take numbers.
4. Popcorn read and work on study
guide questions.
Daily Writing: Friendship 5/8/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain
with detail:
• Who is your best friend? Why?
Explain him/her.
• “A friend is one who knows
you, and loves you just the
same.” ~Elbert Hubbard
Wednesday: Novel Study
Did everyone e-mail me draft 2 of their
short story?
• Don’t forget to keep your 1st draft,
editor’s check list & rubric ! I’ll need
them when I collect your final draft.
o Due Thursday: AF Questions Part 1 &
compare & contrast Snowball &
o Friday quiz on AF vocab part 1, roots
1 & 2, and AF reading chapters 1 & 2
Wednesday: Novel Study
1. Silent reading & work ?s part 1.
2. Journal title: Snowball & Napoleon
As you read, compare and contrast
Snowball & Napoleon using a Venn
diagram (diagram that looks like two
overlapping circles). Write their unique
qualities below their names, and the
qualities they share in the overlapping part
of the circles.
IF EVERYONE is on task today (not staring off into space or
looking at one page the whole period) and EVERYONE
gets their questions & diagram done by tomorrow, maybe
we’ll watch part of the movie…
Daily Writing: Mitch 5/9/13
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain
with detail:
• “An escalator can never
break; it can only become
stairs.” ~ Mitch Hedberg
• “A waffle is like a pancake
with a syrup trap.” ~Mitch
Thursday: Review
• Show me your study guide
questions & diagram.
• 2nd drafts???
o Friday quiz on AF vocab part 1,
roots 1 & 2, and AF reading
chapters 1 & 2
o Due Monday:
• Journal title: Research on
[selected topic/person]
Thursday: Review
• “Pick from a hat” topic or person.
• Journal title: Research on [selected
o Research & write on your selected
topic or person (at least a page).
o Please don’t just copy from
Wikipedia. 
o Go to several sites, and summarize
the information in your own words.
Thursday: Review
1. Vocab crossword puzzle.
2. 4 corners review of novel ONLY:
o QUIETLY walk to one of the corners.
o Write something you remembered from the
novel on the piece of paper.
o I will ask a question to the table.
o The person who buzzes in first and answers
the question correctly, can stay in the game.
o If only one person is in the corner I choose,
they are out!
o LISTEN while your peers are answering the
Thursday: Review
3. Journal title: My Reactions Part 1
1. Do you agree with Major’s
pronouncement that “Man is the only
creature that consumes without
2. Why do you think the other animals
are so easily led by the pigs? Would
you have been so willing to follow
another after you had freed yourself
of oppression?
3. What do you think happened to the
milk that is missing?
Daily Writing: Weekend
Choose one prompt to respond to and explain
with detail:
• What are you looking forward
to this weekend? Why?
• What are you dreading this
weekend? Why? Explain!
Friday: Quiz & Wrap Up
Anymore 2nd drafts??? If I don’t have it by
tonight, you won’t get my feedback for your
final draft. Any later than Tuesday = zero!
Results of the buddy system Mon/Tues.
Due Monday:
1. Write new roots (part 3) in your
2. Animal Farm vocab worksheet
3. Journal title: Research on [selected
Friday: Quiz & Wrap Up
1. No talking during the quiz!
2. When you’re done:
1. Work on late work
2. Work on AF vocab worksheet.
3. Write roots part 3 in your notebook.
4. When you’re done with all that, read
Watch 1st 10-15 mins of movie! You
earned it. 
Notebook title: Animal Farm Movie Notes
Buddy HW System
New Buddy Homework System!
o The group that turns in ALL of their homework on time for the
next two weeks gets:
A late HW pass per group member.
To pick the game during gym!
o Rules/stipulations:
o If a group member is absent, this counts against turning
in HW on time. UNLESS the group member turns in the
homework when everyone else does.
o Using a late HW pass counts against the team.
o If more than one group turns in all of their HW, I’ll look at
times tardy or absent.
o If more than one group turns in all of their HW and has
never been tardy or absent, I’ll give everyone in those
groups late HW passes and Mr. Hickman will think of
something special for those groups during gym.