CE 5180 Design for Sustainable Development September 16, 2011 Today ◊ Intro ◊ Changes ◊ Your Goals for the Course ◊ Introduction to Design Thinking ◊ Creativity and Teams ◊ Collaboration Activity ◊ Definition and Value of Insight ◊ Insight Activity ◊ Discovery Planning Session ◊ Email to TERI ◊ Nest Week?? What do you want? ◊ Regarding the competition itself ◊ Regarding specific skill development ◊ Regarding what you want to learn ◊ Regarding the overall experience Design Thinking by Tim Brown Characteristics of Design Thinking Cross functional approach (including external) User focused Consider wide range of alternatives and influences Structured Ideation Early, often, rapid prototyping or experimentation Complex problems; time constrained Design Thinking by Tim Brown Creativity & Collaboration Creativity… …is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts. …is simply the act of making something new. …is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form. …is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop an idea based on an original, novel, or unconventional approach. …is a process by which a symbolic domain in the culture is changed. …is a process of developing and expressing novel ideas that are likely to be useful. Creativity & the KAI Index 96 32 Adaptor 160 Innovator Realities & Distortions Prefer structure Sensitive to people and groups Consistent Will master details Work within defined problem Take calculated risks Do things “better” Prefer less structure May upset groups (intentionally) Inconsistent Will challenge everything Definition is part of the problem Take daring risks Do things “differently” Timid in ideation Compliant Stuck in process Cautious Conformists Narrow minded Impractical Abrasive Not accepting others ideas Egomaniacal Create confusion Not a team player Group Creativity The Myth About Creation Myths The garage, they say, "evokes the image of the lone individual who relies primarily on his or her extraordinary efforts and talent" to triumph. The reality is that successful founders are usually "organizational products." A separate study of VCbacked companies found that 91% were related to the founders' prior job experience. Audia and Rider say entrepreneurial triumphs aren't due to lonely, iconoclastic work--they're "eminently social. Creative Abrasion What we know Who we are How we think Management Skill Required Don’t Always Have a Choice Risk of Interpersonal Abrasion Collaboration Exercise 1. Get into your teams 2. Discuss whether you are Adaptive or Innovative 3. Discuss and record: ◊ Your Objective ◊ Your Skills ◊ Your Knowledge ◊ Your Network ◊ Your Relevant Experiences 4. Discuss and decide roles: ◊ Project Manager ◊ Lead ◊ Communications ◊ Others like Technologist, researcher… Insights The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things Seeing intuitively The power or act of seeing into a situation The power of acute observation and deduction The power of perception Introspection A piece of information A little science and a little art Skeptical scrutiny is the means, in both science and religion, by which deep insights can be winnowed from deep nonsense. Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, other, new insights begin. + If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things. A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience Insights lead to Ideas o Structured accumulation of insights. Consider… o Consumer/User Insights – real points of pain, unmet and unarticulated needs o Discontinuous change – mega trends in technology, politics, culture, regulation, societal norms, global impacts… o In-depth understanding of “the business”, competition and markets from the perspective of experts and insiders; consider emerging markets and analogs; o Core company competency, assets and key relationships that might be leveraged when building new businesses o Orthodoxies – firmly and widely held company or industry beliefs that influence decisions o So…read everything, talk to everyone, go to where the action is Insights come from… A report or article An experience Second hand or further removed First hand or observed Hindsight Leads to foresight Filtered Unfiltered Summarized Raw and open to interpretation Often statistically significant No “n”, easy to miss and miss significance A marketing report, a news article, a study… Field trips, conversation, broadcast, ethnography It's complex because information and knowledge are now pure and simple table stakes… What will win in our world is using those vital table stakes quickly, but then developing insight and foresight. You can't get insight and foresight from data and from analysis. If you want to know a hell of a lot about lions, you better go to the jungle and not to the zoo. So, you've got to figure out how you can empathetically have the insight into consumer behavior and then have the creative foresight to do something about that before the competition. Jobs and his folks are very empathetic. Discovery Skills and Innovation Questioning Observing Experimenting Networking Associating Value of Insight “…chance favors only the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur "The seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us, but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them." Joseph Henry The Role of Insight Anesthesia, cellophane, cholesterol lowering drugs, cornflakes, dynamite, the ice cream soda, Ivory soap, NutraSweet, Viagra, nylon, penicillin, photography, rayon, PVC, smallpox vaccine, stainless steel, Teflon, Post-it note, Velcro, Frisbee Insights Exercise 1. What you know ◊ Users and their “problem” ◊ “Industry” participants and stakeholders in the ecosystem ◊ Technology ◊ Trends ◊ Analogs ◊ Cultural, political, geographical ◊ Other 2. What you don’t ◊ Same list 3. Create master list of “What you know” and “What you don’t” Discovery Planning Exercise 1. How do we find out? ◊ TERI team ◊ Log insights ◊ Ask them to record list of ideas (individually) to be used in our ideation session ◊ Mentors ◊ Other folks…network and experts ◊ Field trips…local and otherwise ◊ Info and data…blogs to library 2. Prioritize based on relevance and availability ◊ Answer “Does anyone care?”, before answering “Can it be done?” 3. Divide work Discovery Output 1. Word Document ◊ Answers to questions ◊ Any other relevant insights ◊ Reference source 2. Input for ideation session 3. Will share in brief presentations prior to ideation 4. List of “must read/see” content (Posting) Next Week?? • TERI response and interaction so far? • Progress of and updates to Discovery Plan? • Preliminary list of potential problems to solve that your team is considering? • Questions for/discussion with some of us?