Enlightenment and Revolution

Chapter 6
The Scientific Revolution
Chapter 6 Section 1
The Roots of Modern Science
 Before the scientific revolution scholars turn to ancient
____________ or _____________ authors or the Bible for
answers to scientific questions
 The Medieval View
 Geocentric Theory meant that the _________ revolved around
the _________
 An idea supported by Ptolemy and the Bible
 A New Way of Thinking
 The basic idea of the scientific revolution is what?
 Based on observation and questioning
 How did the Age of Exploration affect the way people thought?
And the printing press?
 The “classical world” had come to an end
A Revolutionary Model of the Universe
 The Heliocentric Theory
 Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to
reason that the earth and stars moved
around the sun; an idea also known as the
_________________ theory
 Why didn’t Copernicus want to publish his
 Galileo’s Discoveries
 Galileo’s 1st telescope, 1609
 Galileo’s findings refute Aristotle’s ideas
but support which scientist?
 Conflict with the Church
 Why would the church warn Galileo about
supporting Copernicus and his theories?
 What happened to Galileo?
The Scientific Method
 The scientific method is a logical
procedure for _______________ and
________________ ideas
 Problem, hypothesis, experiment,
 Bacon and Descartes
 Bacon urges scientists to experiment and
draw conclusions
 Descartes relies on mathematics and
logic…doubted until proved (“I think,
therefore I am”)
 Newton Explains the Law of Gravity
 Heaven and earth are linked through
gravitation…every object in the universe
attracts every other object
 The Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy explained what?
The Scientific Revolution Spreads
 Scientific Instruments
 Zacharias Janssen invents the first
what? Van Leeuwenhoek uses
Janssen’s invention to do what?
 Torricelli and the barometer, Fahrenheit
and Celsius both created
_________________, the difference?
 Medicine and the Human Body
 On the Structure of the Human Body,
 Introduction of the vaccine, giving small
amounts of the germs helps with that?
 Discoveries in Chemistry
 Boyle’s Law of gases
What is the significance of all of
6.1 Daily Questions
1. Explain the differences between the geocentric and
heliocentric theories. What did the church think about the
heliocentric theory, why?
2. Explain the differences between Bacon and Descartes
approaches to the scientific method.
Honors Only
3. How does the Scientific Revolution support the saying
“necessity is the mother of invention”?
The Enlightenment in Europe
Chapter 6 Section 2
Two Views on Government
 Enlightenment-an intellectual
movement that stressed reason and
thought but what else?
 Hobbe’s Social Contract
 Civil War convinces Hobbes of the cruel
nature of people
 The idea of a social contract that asks
people to hand over rights in exchange
for _________ and ______.
 What gov’t did Hobbes believe was
 Locke’s Natural Rights
 Believed in people and the idea of selfgov’t
 Life, liberty, and property
 Power comes from the consent of the
The Philosophes Advocate
 Philosophes-social critics in France
that applied reason to all aspects of
 Reason
 Nature
 Happiness
 Progress
 Liberty
 Voltaire Combats Intolerance
 The most brilliant and influential
philosophe was a satirist, meaning
what? Who did he attack?
 Fought for tolerance, reason, and
freedom of ______ and _______.
 “…defend to the death your right to
say it.”
The Philosophes Advocate Reason
 Montesquieu and the Separation of
 The study of political __________,
believed what country was the bestgoverned?
 Executive, judicial, and legislative
powers contributed to a balance of
 Separation of powers=_______ and
 Rousseau: Champion of Freedom
 “Man is born free, but everywhere he
is in chains.”
 Belief in ________ democracy
 How was Rousseau’s social contract
different from Hobbes’?
The Philosophes Advocate Reason
 Beccaria Promotes Criminal
 Laws exist to preserve justice
not to do what?
 Speedy trial
 Torture should never be used
 Capital punishment should be
abolished, punishment based
on the crime
 “Greatest good for the
greatest number of people”
Women and the Enlightenment
 Most of the reforms and ideas of
the Enlightenment did not address
 Mary Wolstonecraft A Vindication
on the Rights of Woman
1792…women’s education is just
as important AND useful
 Enlightenment ideas were spread
in social gatherings called salons
 Why might men hesitate to give
women education and equality
under the law?
Legacy of the Enlightenment
 The Enlightenment produced 3 long-term effects:
 Belief in Progress
 Strengthening of science’ philosophers and reformers attempted to
change many long held beliefs such as?
 A More Secular Look
 People began to question _____________ beliefs
 Started answering religious questions with math and science
instead of the Bible
 Importance of the Individual
 Encouraging people to use their own abilities instead of relying on
 Turning point in history?
6.2 Daily Questions
1. Explain the difference between Hobbes’ and
Rousseau’s social contract.
2. Explain the impact of Montesquieu’s ideas on
American government.
Honors Only
3. In your opinion, who was the most influential
Enlightenment thinker? Why?
The Enlightenment Spreads
Chapter 6 Section 3
A World of Ideas
 Enlightenment ideas spread from
Paris and the thinkers that lived
there…salons hosted what groups of
people and their ideas?
 Diderot’s Encyclopedia
 1751, Geoffrin finances the writing of
an _____________ that includes
articles by the leading scholars of
 The publishing of the Encyclopedia
angers who? Why?
 Salons and the Encyclopedia helped
with the spread of ideas along with
 Enlightenment ideas even spread to
the _________
New Artistic Styles
 Neoclassical Style Emerges
 Baroque art deals with grand and
ornate designs, example?
 Neoclassical designs were simple yet
elegant, like that of Greece and Rome
 Changes in Music and Literature
 Classical music
 Novels became popular among all
classes…entertaining stories in
everyday language
 Pamela and Tom Jones, examples of
____________ novels
Baroque or Neoclassical
Baroque or Neoclassical?
Baroque or Neoclassical
Enlightenment and Monarchy
 The enlightened despots started a
new trend of respecting the peoples’
rights…an idea encouraged by
 What motivated the enlightened
 Frederick the Great (Prussia)
 Reforms
 Religion
 Censorship
 Education
 Justice system (torture)
 What about the social order?
 “The first servant of the state.”
Enlightenment and Monarchy
 Joseph II (Austria)
 Son and successor of Maria
 Legal reforms and freedom of the
______ and _______
 What was Joseph’s most radical
reform? Reaction? Overall result?
 Catherine the Great (Russia)
 Absolute monarch that sought
reforms (wrote to who?)
 Creates a commission to change
laws…did it work?
 Why did Catherine’s views on
serfdom change?
Enlightenment and Monarchy
 Catherine Expands Russia
 Gains territory in southern
Russia near the
 Poland is split up by
______, _______, and
_______ into partitions
 Overall Catherine expanded
territory and international
control for Russia
6.3 Daily Questions
1. How does Neoclassicism reflect the ideas of order and
2. Explain the differences between absolute rulers and
enlightened despots.
Honors Only
3. Why do you think Enlightenment ideas spread so