
Unit 4 Enlightenment and
Lesson 8 The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
Learning Targets
1. To describe Newton’s theory of Universal Laws of Man
2. To compare and contrast the different perspectives of
John Locke and Thomas Hobbes
3. To describe the influence of Voltaire
4. To illustrate and explain the influence of Baron de
Montesquieu on Western democratic governments
5. To describe the influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
Isaac Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation showed how
laws of science applied to the universe and he also showed
how to use mathematics to describe the law.
With his law, Newton proved two things. First, with good
information, people can correctly predict the movement of
any falling object on Earth. Second, they can also correctly
predict the movement of the moon and the planets.
Newton used reason to discover these new ideas; he
discovered a mathematical laws that controls the movement
of planets and other objects in space.
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
What is the Age of Reason?
People who believed in scientific reasoning called themselves
“enlightened” thinkers. They had found the light! No longer did
they walk in the darkness of ignorance, or lack of knowledge.
Enlightened thinkers asked difficult questions. They searched for
the truth about how nature and human societies really work.
Newton began the Age of Reason. During this age, many
enlightened thinkers had three goals.
They wanted to improve how people lived
They wanted to think clearly and logically, without letting
their feelings guide them.
They wanted to use scientific reasoning to examine every part
of society – education, religion, economics, law and
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
U – Universal Laws
 People began to look at the universe as a huge clock
 They believed the universe was predictable and that
people can discover what will happen in the universe
 Scientists used scientific reasoning to find truth about
nature and the universe
 Non-Scientists believed that the same natural laws could
be applied to human behavior as well, which could be
used to solve problems in society
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
The enlightenment thinkers of the Age of Reason asked
questions about government. What is as the best form of
government? Are there natural laws that people should
follow in setting up a government? These thinkers used
logic and reason o find answers.
For this target we must examine several individuals:
John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire, Baron de
Montesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
K – Knowledge of Man
 1651, Thomas Hobbes published a book on government
 According to Hobbes, people lived without government as
lawless and corrupt and agreed to give up freedom for order
and safety
 Hobbes argued that an agreement exists between the ruler
and the ruled
 People agreed to obey the rulers and they should be given
absolute authority
 For Hobbes, order was more important than freedom
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
K – Knowledge of Man
 1690, John Locke published a book on government (Two
Treatises of Government)
 Locke agreed that government was a contract between the
ruler and the ruled and should promote order
 Locke disagreed that man was lawless and corrupt but said if
given the chance they would act orderly
 Locke also argued that people had natural rights (rights they
were born with) life, liberty, and property
 The job of government, according to Locke, was to protect
the rights of the people and if it failed it should be replaced
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
N – Need for Rights
 Voltaire and enlightened French thinker influenced western
 He criticized the wealth and privileges of French kings and
nobles and said “all men are brothers under God”
 Voltaire defended a person’s right to think and say anything
 “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to
death your right to say it.”
 Freedom of speech, press, and religion were rights that
belonged to every person
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
O – Order of Powers
 Baron de Montesquieu studied the government of ancient
 Montesquieu said spirit held the government together,
fear kept the dictator in office, honor, or keeping
promises, kept the monarchs ruling
 He believed that monarchs should use their wealth and
power for the good of everyone
 He stated virtue, or goodness, held a republic together
and the people need to elect people who would serve the
good of the community
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
O – Order of Powers
 Montesquieu admired the English government of the
1700’s and modeled his idea of government around it:
1. Parliament made the laws
2. The king enforced the laws
3. The courts interpreted the laws.
 Montesquieu said that separating these powers kept each
of the three branches from becoming too powerful
 Each branch checked and balanced the powers of the
other two branches
The Age of Reason (UKNOW)
W – Written Contracts
 Jean Jacques Rousseau said that people were born good,
but civilization makes them do bad things
 Rousseau argued that no one should have special privileges
or rights - All men are born equal.
 Rousseau argued people made an agreement with each
other as a community who shared customs “general will”,
not with a ruler.
 He stated the general will or majority of people should rule
which forced the minority into freedom