
To generalize means to think.
Definition: something that is always, or almost
always true
Synonym: Principle
Antonym: Specific
5 Generalizations of Change
Change is linked to time
Change may be positive or negative
Change may be perceived as orderly or random
Change is everywhere
Change may happen naturally or be caused by
Generalizations Connected to Change
Change is linked to time
 How
is change linked to time?
 Are all changes linked to time in the same way?
 How do some of the changes you listed relate to time?
Generalizations Connected to Change
Change may be positive or negative
 What
is progress?
 Does change always represent progress?
 How might a change be thought of as both positive and
Generalizations Connected to Change
Change may be perceived as orderly or random
 Can
we predict change?
 Select specific changes from your list, and describe
which aspects of them can be predicted and which are
unpredictable. Even when we know a change will take
place, can we always predict exactly how things will
turn out?
Generalizations Connected to Change
Change is everywhere
 Does
change apply to all areas of our world? What
are some specific changes which are universal, or
happen everywhere, and some specific changes that
may apply to only a smaller area at a given time?
Generalizations Connected to Change
Change may happen naturally or be caused by
 What
causes change?
 What influence do people have over changes in
 What influence does nature have over the changes
people intend?
Change Model
Change is linked to
Change is
Change may be
Changed may be
perceived as orderly:
…or negative:
…or random:
Chang may happen
…or may be caused
by people: