Oct. 28-Objective & Bell Work Day 1 Day 1- The student will recognize terminology and technology related to locating, evaluating, and collecting from variety of sources. ICT1 4.a. Demonstrate proper hand, finger, and body position when using a keyboard (ongoing). Bell Work Question: Describe what search engines you have used to search for information Pre-Bell Question: Create a science/ social studies topic or question you would like to research on the Internet. CLOSURE –EXIT QUESTION DAY 1 WHAT WAS THE MAIN PURPOSE OF THE LESSON FOR TODAY? (PAIR AND SHARE) DAY 2 BELL WORK –Oct. 29th OBJECTIVE: . Day 2The student will create their Web Page evaluation tool Demonstrate proper keyboard application (Ongoing) Pre-Bell Question: Describe a Database and give examples. (Use Internet) CLOSURE-EXIT QUESTION DAY 2 (FILL OUT EXIT TICKET-INDEX CARD) GIVE ME A DESCRIPTION OF A DATABASE. DAY 3 OBJECTIVE & BELL WORKOct. 30th OBJECTIVE-DAY 3 BELL WORK –WED. The student will: ICT14-a-c . a. Demonstrate proper hand, finger, and body position when using a keyboard (ongoing). b. Use correct finger reaches from home row to top/bottom row keys (ongoing). c. Perform touch typing by keying words, sentences, and paragraphs (ongoing). Pre Bell Question: Name and describe the special keys on the keyboard Closure-Exit Question –Day 3 Describe your posture-the way you should sit while keyboarding. OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK DAY 4 Objective: ICT14-a-c. The student will: demonstrate keyboard applications. . ICTI4.1d - Pre Bell Question: Demonstrate proper use of special keys such as the spacebar, enter/return, shift, tab, delete, backspace, arrow keys, ctrl, alt, home, insert, and so forth (ongoing If you were evaluating a Website, create one question you would write on the evaluation tool. DAY 4-CLOSURE-EXIT QUESTION (Use an exit card) Describe two techniques while keyboarding. Example: Your feet flat on the floor. (Pair and Share) DAY 5 OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK The Objective: ICT1 3 &4—The student will demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses on skills related to keyboarding. Pre-Bell Questions: Choose One: What does Proper Techniques look like while keyboarding? Or If you were evaluating a Website, create a second question you would write on the evaluation tool. Day 5-Closure –Exit Questions Describe how you felt about the Post Test today on Keyboarding. Did you pass the test?