The Biggest Achievements of the Four Empires

The Biggest Achievements
of the Four Empires of
By Joshua Darrish
Babylon / Hanging Gardnes Of Semiramis.
Fine Art. Encyclopædia Britannica
ImageQuest. Web. 20 Feb 2014.
Essential Question
S What were the most important
achievements of the four empires?
An Illustration Of A Question Mark.
Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica
ImageQuest. Web. 20 Feb 2014.
Akkadian Empire
The Akkadian Empire was a ruthless empire that had many
S The Akkadians were the first empire to rule the city-states in
S Sargon, the king made a huge army to protect the empire by
using tactical strategies
S He made a rule that his son would be king after him
Babylonian Empire
Next, the second empire, Babylonian Empire was a peaceful
one with amazing achievements.
S The king, Hammurabi created special codes to unify his
S The codes covered trade, work, divorce, and marriage
S Unfortunately, not everyone was equal, like fathers were
more important than mothers
Assyrian Empire
The third empire, the Assyrian Empire may have been a strong
empire out of the others, but they also had achievements that had
to do with peace.
S They had many useful weapons like the battering ram and siege
S The Assyrian Empire built canals and aqueducts for irrigation
S They made bas-reliefs for art which was decorated on the palaces
Neo-Babylonian Empire
The fourth and final main empire was the Neo-Babylonian Empire
which was the return of the Babylonian Empire. They had even
better achievements than before.
S The Neo-Babylonian Empire created moats filled with water
around the empire
S Nebuchadnezzar, the king decided to recreate the ziggurat idea
with plants hanging down
S They enjoyed math and science, so they invented the sun dial, 60
minutes to an hour, and the 7 day week cycle
The Best of the Best
The best empire to live in would be the Assyrian Empire.
S They were very protective of the citizens of the empire to
make sure that they were safe
S At the same time, they were peaceful and made magnificent
art and beautiful palaces
S Finally, everyone was fed due to expert farmers and