Permanent Shelters _School Version_ -2011_10_09

By: Samir R. Khan
Permanent shelters were a main and key
development in the Neolithic Age. They allowed
people new capabilities and advancements
that had not been available to them before.
There are 5 major changes. These are the
changes I am going to show/talk to you about
in this PowerPoint.
Greater Comfort
 Permanent
shelters allowed for more comfortable
living. People had fairly large permanent “houses”
that had many rooms for many activities. They could
store food in the floor and develop new ways of
cooking food.
Larger Communities
 Another
effect of permanent shelters was larger
communities. With farms and animals as the stable
source of food. People began building towns around
the farms they relied upon. This resulted in larger
communities and an even greater range of skills
such as dividing up work and working together on
projects and tasks.
Population Growth
 Furthermore,
permanent shelters also led to
population growth within communities. People had
safer ways of doing things, could defend
themselves easier, and had greater protection
(among many things). This allowed for larger
communities to form up and thus larger
populations. People were safer and would not die
so frequently. This (among other things) led to
population growth.
New Jobs/Specializations
As a result of having a stable food supply people had
more time and opportunities to do things other than
what had prior been the main job of finding enough
food to survive. People could do jobs such as weaving,
basket making, tool making, and trading. People had
specialized jobs that they could focus on and become
highly skilled at. Neolithic people who did these things
had a goal of not merely surviving, but also to thrive
and make themselves and their surroundings more
beautiful. These new jobs led to new and better ways of
completing things and tasks.
People in rapidly advancing Neolithic communities and villages
started to develop an interest in trading to obtain resources
that were not already in their own area. As people in Neolithic
times got even more skilled at their crafts , they wanted more
materials and resources to make and improve the strength as
well as the beauty of the objects they made. Trade also
advanced the knowledge of the people in the old world.
Traders traveled hundreds of miles to obtain the items they
desired and this led to them being brought into contact with
new people and new ideas that they would bring back to their
own people. Overall, the discovery and growth of trade allowed
people to not only make use of more resources but also to be
exposed to and spread new ideas and knowledge.