Instructional Design Guadalupe Castillo What is the ADDIE Model? It is used by instructional designers as well as training developers. The ADDIE Model stands: Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Historical Overview The ADDIE Model has been around since 1975 It was generally known as SAT (System Approach to Training) ISD (Instructional System Design). The ADDIE model was at first a linear model, then in 1984, the model evolved into phases when it was being used by the U.S. Army. ADDIE’S Phases The ADDIE Model includes five phases which include: Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Analysis Phase The Analysis phase is the starting point. It is in this phase were designers and trainers identify a problem and its possible solution as well as the following: Goals Objectives Learning outcomes Instructional methods Materials Design Phase It is in this phase that strategies for developing an instruction , the following are implicated in this phase: Learning objectives Assessment instruments Exercises Content Subject matter analysis Lesson planning Media selection Development Phase This phase is based on the Analysis and Design phase, the course materials is developed as well as the the course and the following: Course content Assignments Assessments Course structure Supporting documentation Implementation Phase In this phase, the delivery of the instruction takes place. The instruction might be implicated in a classroom, lab, or computer based setting. The following takes place in this phase: Instruction is initiated Course curriculum Learning outcomes Methods of delivery Testing procedures Evaluation Phase The Evaluation phase occurs throughout the whole instructional design process, and within the five ADDIE phases. Evaluation Phase This phase consists of two types of evaluations Formative evaluation, which is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. It is an ongoing evaluation that helps improve the instruction before any final versions are implemented. Summative evaluation , which consists of tests designed for domain specific criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users. This evaluation is an assessment of the overall effectiveness of the instruction. For example when we take a college course, at the end of the semester we evaluate the course. Summary The ADDIE Model is, Used by instructional designers and training developers. Includes 5 phases that include: Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation Works Cited ADDIE model instructional design. (n.d.). About E-Learning | Online Degrees | Online Colleges | Online Distance Education. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from ADDIE Model. (2011, March 28). Instructional Design. Retrieved June 17, 2011, from Caruso, S. (2011, April 7). The ADDIE Instructional Design Process | EAdultEducation - Adult Learning Theories and Research. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from Clark, D. (n.d.). ADDIE Model. Colocation | Broadband Wireless | Dedicated Servers | Web Design & Development | DSL | Web Hosting | Infinity Internet. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from Instructional Design Using the Addie Model. (2010, January 16). Raleigh Way's Test Page. Retrieved June 14, 2011, from