Officer Transitions Jake Haigis Meredith Beamer Goal A thorough and intentional leadership transition plan will provide an organization with continuity so that next year’s officers can build on the knowledge gained rather than starting from ground zero. We aim to provide ideas and suggestions for you. Take pieces that will work for your group. Ice Breaker Get into groups of three and place a blindfold on one person The two without the blindfold will instruct the person without sight on how to construct a Play-doh figure exactly the way it is pictured on the next slide Instructors may not physically touch the Play-doh Instructors can NOT name the object to be built! Good luck! Ice Breaker Taking off the Blindfold Year long transition Binders Retreats Checklist/Timeline Using your Advisor Using the Office of Student Involvement Next Steps for your Club Never Too Early To Start Yes, this is October, but it may be good to start thinking about 2015-2016 right now! Creating a year long transition period President in Training Treasurer in Training Encourage potential leaders through personal contact Club Binders Have a binder specific to EACH officer position Add to it as the year progresses What to include… Contact lists (past & current officers, resources, advisor) OrgSync and Email logins and passwords Meeting minutes, notes Event Information Notes, tips Specific responsibilities for each officer role Mid/End of Year Report Think About Your Experience What do you wish you knew? What resources did you wish you had/knew about? What did you learn the hard way? What did you like/dislike as a member? What did your previous officers do well in transitioning you in? What is the most difficult/confusing aspect of my position? Resources that helped me the most in my position? What do you wish you had done, but didn’t? What needs to be done immediately this fall? (versus what has more a flexible time line) Retreats Outgoing/ Incoming Officer Retreat (or extended meeting!) Introduction/Icebreakers Discussion of past year’s events Officer Exchanges (Binder sharing!) Outgoing officers depart, leaving the new officers to discuss the upcoming year Exchange Contact Info (if not already in binder) Expectations of one another Goals for the coming year Ideas and calendar of events Budgetary concerns Retreats New Officer Retreat Introductions/Icebreakers (learning names, etc.) Review of mission, purpose, goals Self-expectations and expectations of one another, advisor, members, etc. Team-buildering exercises Goals for upcoming year Budgeting Events for the upcoming year Task List Moving Forward Checklist/Timeline Retreat/Meeting for Incoming/Outgoing Officers • Don’t just drop off a binder and leave a note that says, “Good Luck!” Make sure that the outgoing and incoming officers meet together – uninterrupted. Binders • Start generating a master binder for club specific info • Officers-start compiling individual position binders (ask for help from past officers!) • Other important documents include: Constitution/Bylaws/Mission, Committee lists and descriptions, Contact lists, Annual Calendar of events, Evaluations, Meeting Minutes & Agendas President/Treasurer in training • Have Presidents (current and future) work together on end of year report • 2015-2016 President/Treasurer? Schedule Elections Look at earlier elections to allow other positions AT LEAST a one month transitional period Less stress!-more time to transition so elections aren’t happening close to finals! Checklist/Timeline Update OrgSync • New meeting time and locations • New officer information End of Year Report • Current/Future President collaboration • Include in Club Binder Utilizing your Advisor Schedule a meeting to introduce new officers Pass along contact information Roles and Expectations of each other Officer responsibility to communicate Advisor can offer… Ideas for growth Challenge and support the club/officers Ideas of Events/Functions, meeting content Aid with club maintenance Utilizing the Office of Student Involvement Student Organization Resource Room-GSC 220 Open 24/7 SGA Budget System/SORF Board Storage Bin Available Next Steps Next steps Binders-Club and individual positions Discuss/Identify upcoming leaders (President and Treasurer) Talk about moving up elections Communicate with past officers (if not already done so) Having this information should help prepare the new officers for the upcoming year and the new road ahead, and help make your club as efficient and awesome as possible! Resources Student Leader Transition Guide Sample Checklist Great Binder Content Ideas Charts/Tables -Leader-Transition-Guide-SPRING-2011-2.pdf Officer Transition Checklist (Lots of Ideas) er%20Transition%20Checklist.pdf