EDL Reading Core Vocabulary Assessment The EDL Reading Core Vocabulary is composed of words introduced in the more widely used basal reading series and/or found on frequency lists. The list is arranged in alphabetical order and includes only the words introduced on the specific grade level. EDL Reading Core Vocabulary Fourth Grade Check indicates automatic word recognition with word meaning: accent accept accident according accuse ache acorn acre acrobat action actor actually adjust admire admit afford agree alligator alphabet although amount ancestor anchor ancient anger anxious anybody anyhow appearance approach aquarium area argue dictionary difficult dignity dim dinosaur direct disappointment discovery disease disgrace disgust dismay distance distant disturb dock doe doubt dozen dragon drawn dreadful droop dull duty earnest earthquake Easter eastern echo editor effect eighteen Columbus State University language lantern laughter lawn league leap least leather ledge legend lemon lemonade length lettuce level lever lick lid lightning lime limp link lip lit locate locomotive lodge lonesome lord luck magazine magician magnet realize refrigerator regular reindeer reins relief remind remove rent report represent reservation responsible result retreat riddle ridge rifle rim rise roam rob robin rocket rodeo rough royal ruby rude rug ruin rumble rustle toe tomato ton tongue toothpaste tore touchdown tough towel trailer tramp transfer tray treat treaty trim tropical trout trudge trumpet tub tuck Tuesday tug turkey turnip twelfth twinkle twist type typewriter umbrella umpire Technology Training Center arithmetic arrangement arrest article artist ashamed ashes astronaut attention attic August avenue avoid awkward awoke aye bacon badge balance bamboo bandage banner bare basement bathroom bathtub battery battle bay beak beam beef beetle bellows beneath bet bid bike billow birch blame blaze eighth electric electricity elegant encourage encyclopedia endurance enemy engineer enormous entire envelope equal equator Eskimo especially eve examination examine exchange expensive experience experiment expert explanation explode explore express eyebrow eyelash eyelid fact factory fade familiar faucet favor favorite fiery figure fin final Columbus State University maid mama mane manner manners marble mare married marsh mast material mattress meanwhile measure medal medicine mention mesa messenger midnight million minstrel mist mistress mitten mixture moccasin modern mood moose mop moss motion mound movies mug mule mumble murmur museum music musician sack saddle sake salad salute sauce sausage savage scale scamper scenery scientist scissors scold scoop scooter score scout scowl scramble screech screen scythe seal seaport self sentence September servant service setting settle settler seventeen seventh sew shallow shark shawl shelter shepherd sheriff uneasy unicorn uniform unit upset urge valentine vanish vase velvet victory view vine volcano voyage waddle wail waist walrus wand warrior watermelon weary weave web Wednesday wee weed western wharf wheelbarrow whether whine whirl whiskers whittle whom wicked wig wiggle wigwam wilderness Technology Training Center bleat blend blink blizzard blubber bob bonnet bound bracelet braid brain brass breathe broom brownie bruise buck buckle buggy bugle bullet bun burro burrow burst bury bushel business cabbage cable calves cane canvas canyon capture cargo carnival carpenter carriage cast castle celebrate firm fist flare flavor flicker flight flint flock flood flute flutter folk fond forehead forever fork fort fortunate fought freckle freedom freight friendship frontier frozen fry furnace furniture further fuss future gallon gallop gang garbage gasp geese general gentlemen ghost giggle giraffe Columbus State University musket mustache mutter mysterious mystery myth national natural nature naughty navy necessary neighborhood nephew nervous news newspaper nineteen ninth nonsense noon nor northern nuisance nurse oar oasis oatmeal oats obey object October officer onion opinion opossum opposite orbit orchard ordinary ornament overhead shift shiver shone shoulder shove shower shriek shrug sight silence silk sill sink siren sixth ski skill skim skirt skunk slam slant sleeve slender slid slipper slippery slope snarl sneak sneeze sniff snort soak soar soldier solve willow wine witch wizard wobble woodpecker worst sound wrinkle wrist yawn yell yesterday zero zone somersault somewhat sore sour southern Technology Training Center champion character charcoal check cheerful chimpanzee china choke chore chosen churn citizen claim clam clatter claw clay climate clover clump coax cobbler cocoa coin collar collect collection colonel colony comfort command committee companion condition cone contain continent control convenience convenient coral cord glare gleam glide glisten gloomy glossary glow gobble god golden gourd owe ox pad paddle pain palm pant pants papa government parrot particular partner pasture patient pattern pause peace peaceful peach pear pearl pedal peel pepper perfect perform period permission person persuade phone pigeon pilgrim pillar pinch pinto pioneer pirate pit pity grade gradually grand grape grasp grateful gravy graze greet grind grip groan groceries grocery grumble grunt guest guitar gull gypsy habit hadn’t Halloween halt handkerchief handsome harvest hatch health heap Columbus State University parachute paragraph spank spear speck spectacle speech spell spelling spent spike spine spool sport sprang spy square squat squawk squeal Sr. stable stack stagger stake stalk stall stallion stampede starve statement statue steadily steady steel stern stockade stocking stole stolen stomach stool stove strain Technology Training Center cork corral cot cottage cotton hearth helpful hesitate hind hinge planet platform playful council counter couple court cove coyote crab crag crayon crazy creak creature creep crew crib cricket cripple crisp crocodile crooked crop crouch cruel crumb cub cupboard cure curiosity curly current curve custom customer cute dairy hire hitch hoarse hobby hog honest honesty honk horrify hotel however howl human hump hunger hurricane husky hut icy plug plum plunge poison polar polish poppy popular port porter position possession possibly postman pottery powder prairie praise prance pray prayer precious imagination imitate immediately impatient improve improvement information ink inning insist instant instrument interrupt introduce invent invention Columbus State University playground playmate preparation preserve prick pride prince prison prisoner private problem professor program pronounce proof stranger strap streak strength stride stripe stroke stumble succeed success suffer sugar suggest suitcase sum sung supplies supply support surface surrender surround suspect swamp swan swarm sweater swell swept swoop sword swung syllable tailor tale tame tan tangle tape tar Technology Training Center daisy damage dandy dangerous dangle date deal death debt December declare decorate deed defend degree deliver delivery demand den department design dessert destroy detective develop jacket jail jam janitor January jaw jealous jeep jingle Jr. jungle kayak kettle kid kingdom knee knit knives knot knowledge lad lame lamp landlord lane property protect protection protest pump pumpkin punish pup pupil purpose quarrel quart quarter queer quill quilt quit quiver racket rage ragged rake range rare rat target tea telescope temperature tenth tepee terror thankful Thanksgiving therefore thorn threaten thrift thrifty thrill throne thumb thump thunder tide tiger tile tilt tin toad _____ of 994 Columbus State University Technology Training Center