river powerpoint - Brookburn Primary Blogs

The River Mersey
 The River Mersey is located in England, starting in
Stockport and flowing into the Irish Sea in Liverpool.
River Mersey in Didsbury.
Each river will meander at one point this
is because there might be a bit of land it
can not cut through so it will take a turn
in and out, gradually eroding more rock
and other materials on the outside of the
turn and sedimenting the inside making it
Erosion happens when a river
meanders. As the river would
be flowing straight into the
outside of the turn, gradually
picking up dirt and widening
the turn.
When the water is eroding
the outside bank, it is also
dropping materials that it
has picked up on its way
down stream on the inside
bank. This means that each
side will be going up,
creating a larger meander.
Eventually it gets so large it
becomes some called and
ox-bow lake.
Ox-bow lake
An ox-bow lake is created when a meander gets as big as it will. The river
erodes it’s banks until it meets itself. The river then has a straight line to flow
through, also leaving a horse shoe shape above it.
Pictures of the Mersey!