Gradebook Set-Up Powerpoint

Powerschool Training
**Revised copy. Please
alert me to errors.
Setting up Gradebook for Your Classes
Password is your
Lotus Notes email
Username is wcpss
followed by your 6
digit Employee#
On the Start Page, that lists
your current classes, click on
Gradebook in the Navigation
Launch Gradebook
Scroll down to Launch
PowerTeacher Gradebook
Note: Java will need to run first, or be updated/installed.
Student Rosters
Select Classes and scroll
to 2013-2014 for
classes to appear
To get a class roster,
select Reports and the
arrow for “Student
You may select additional
columns (#, birthday, or create
your own
Finally, select“ Run Report” at
bottom of screen
Note: You will be prompted to open or save; you can print from the screen.
Gradebook Categories
To set up your grade categories, click
on Tools, then Categories.
**When setting up
your Gradebook, it
is important to do
it correctly the
first time.
Defaults are HW, Project,
Test, and Quiz and are
color-coded. Use the + to edit.
You will need to
determine if you
will be using total
points or category
Gradebook Calculations
2) Select the Correct
Course & Quarter 1
1) Select Grade
Setup and then
select Calculations
4) Select Copy to apply these
settings to other Quarters
and then to other
Courses…continued on next
3) Select either total points or Category Weights.
Total Points is finished. Category Weights needs
weights added.
Copy Grade Setup
Select Q1 only. Ok.
**This is an error. Q4
should/will be
directly under Q3.
Copy Grade Setup
Select Boxes Q2,
Q3, and Q4.
Select Next and
Semester Term Weights
1) Select
2) Select Term Weights
and indicate 50 for Q1 and
50 for Q2.
3) Do the same for S2
Final Term and Exam Weights
F1 should be Term
Weights of 25 for each
Quarter (unless Final
Exam calculates)
E1 is used for Final Exams
for CC Math I.
Copy Final Term Grade Calculations to Other Classes
From any of the Reporting Terms,
select copy.
Select Entire Class. Ok
Copy Grade Setup to Other Classes
Select Courses that
have same weights.
Select Next and Finish.
Add Assignments
To Add Assignments,
select the “Assignments”
tab and select the “+” to
open “New Assignment”
You can include a
description and provide a
link to the
Add Assignments cont.
After you hit SAVE, it
will appear on the top
of screen.
Select the “Publish”
tab to post it, assign
immediately or drop
down to “On Specific
Date” and use the
calendar icon. Then
Copy Assignments
Go to Tools and
click on Copy
Assignments, then
NEXT and select
which classes to
copy the
assignment to, and
hit OK.
When you go back
to the tab for
“Scoresheet” for
each of your
selected classes,
the assignment will
appear and you can
enter a score:
Scoresheet cont.
Go to Tools and
select “Fill Scores”
Choose which cells
to fill and for
Collected, Late,
Exempt, Missing,
and Score; can add
a comment in the
box, then click OK.
Scoresheet cont.
The assignment will
appear with filled scores
and comments.
*Notice at the bottom it gives you the Mean, Median, and Mode for the
Gradebook Preferences
From Tools, go to
Preferences to see
other options
Comment Bank,
Grading, Mail
signature, Score
Codes, Section,
Spell Check,
Standards, and
Student Display.
Course Descriptions
To add a Description and any links for each class
section, go to Class Content, Class Info, and you
can give a Custom Display Name (ie. 8th LA Period
1) and save:
Locking Gradebook
Click on File and scroll to Lock Gradebook or click on Ctr+L
Username is wcpss
Username is wcpss
by your
is wcpss
followed by your 6
by your 6
digit Employee#
digit Employee#
Username is wcpss
Username is wcpss
by your
is wcpss
followed by your 6
by your 6
digit Employee#
digit Employee#