PT Info Form uploading Demo

Instructions for filling Profession
Tax Information Form (pt_info)
Go to our web-site
• Click on downloads
• Select Forms
Click on Electronic Forms
Click on Profession Tax Information form for
Maharashtra Profession Tax Act 175
Save the pt_info form to your hard disk
General Instruction for filling pt_info form
• 1) For activating “Press to Validate’ TAB at the bottom of the form
• a) if you are using MS Excel 2010, click on ‘enable contents’ TAB appeared
below the address bar as soon as you open the form.
• b) If you are using any other version of MS Office, then click on the Option
Box shown below the address bar of the form and then select ‘enable this
type of contents’ and then press OK
• 2) All the fields in red are mandatory fields.
• 3) Keep the information ready such as i) PTRC TIN ii) PTEC TIN iii) PAN
of company, directors, partners, members etc, iv) Contact details, v)
MVAT and CST TINs, vi) In case of Professionals, registration number
and date of registration with council / body, vii) Service Tax
Registration No, viii) Income Tax TAN.
Validations of the fields
• PAN : Consists 10 characters. First 5 characters alpha, next 4 characters
numerical, last character alpha.
• TAN : Consists 10 characters. First 4 characters alpha, next 5 characters
numerical, last character alpha.
• PTEC TIN : Consists 12 characters. First 11 digits numerical, last digit as ‘P’.
The TIN starts with 99
• PTRC TIN : Consists 12 characters. First 11 digits numerical, last digit as ‘P’.
The TIN starts with 27
• MVAT TIN: Consists 12 characters. First 11 digits numerical, last digit as ‘V’.
The TIN starts with 27
• CST TIN: Consists 12 characters. First 11 digits numerical, last digit as ‘C’.
The TIN starts with 27.
Open the pt_info form
Select Constitution of the
Business from Drop Down
In case of proprietary concern or HUF Enter the
full name of Proprietor / Karta
Enter Name
of Company /
Firm / HUF
Enter PAN of
Proprietor /
Company /
Instruction for filling pt_info Form
Enter Date of Birth in case of
Proprietary Concern. In any
other case enter the date of
Incorporation / Agreement
Enter the address of Place
of Business / Activity
Instruction for filling pt_info Form
Select status of the
contact person from
drop down list
Enter Name of the
contact person
Enter Your contact details
Enter your MVAT TIN starting
with 27 and ending with V
Enter your CST TIN
starting with 27 and
ending with C
If 7(A) is no then
select reason
from drop down
Select Yes / No
from drop down
Enter your Old PTRC
Number in 1/1/21/1234
Enter your new PTRC TIN
starting with 27 and ending
with P
Enter your Income Tax
TAN and Service Tax No
Select Yes / No
from drop
Instruction for filling pt_info form
Select Yes / No from
drop down
If (A) is No then select reason for
not holding PTEC from drop down
Select your nature of business from
drop down
Enter your Old Profession
Tax Enrollment Certificate (PTEC) No in
Enter Number of
partners /
directors /
Members (only
numbers allowed)
Enter your
registration No
and date from
drop down
Enter your New PTEC TIN
starting with 99 and ending
with P
Enter number of Partners / Directors /
Members holding PTEC (only
numbers allowed). The value entered
should not be greater than (E) i.e No
of Partners / Directors / Members etc.
Instruction for filling pt_info form
Enter Full Name
starting with 99 and
ending with P
Enter Income
Enter details for Partners / Directors / Members holding
PTEC TIN. Please note that number of entries in this
column should match with figure entered at ‘No of
Partners / Directors / Members holding PTEC’
Enter Date of Birth
Instructions for filling pt_info form
Enter full name
Enter Income Tax PAN. In case
of NRI directors enter PAN as
Select reason for not holding
PTEC from drop down
Enter details for Partners / Directors / Members who are not
holding PTEC TIN. Note that total number of entries in this
column should match with the difference between total
number of directors / partners / Members and No of
Director / partner / Members holding PTEC
Instructions for filling pt_info form
After filling entire form click on “Press to
validate & generate rem file” TAB at the
bottom. If there are any error in the
form a message as above will be shown
If the above error message appears click on
‘pt_info_errors’ sheet. All the errors in the form will be
shown here. Correct the errors and again click on “Press
to validate & generate rem file” TAB
Instruction for filling pt_info Form
• 1) If the information entered in the form is correct and the
information meets all the validation then a message will be appeared
informing you that the form is error free.
• 2) A text file will be generated as pt_info-Rem.txt and this file with be
saved in my documents folder of your PC.
• 3) Again go to our web-site
Click on PT-InfoUpload TAB
Click on brown button and select
pt_info-Rem.txt file from My
Document folder and then press
‘Validate & Upload’ button. The
form will upload and a receipt will
generate. Submit the receipt to
concern officer