Missouri Higher Education Issues and Initiatives

Missouri Higher Education
Issues and Initiatives
Implementation of HB1042
 Reverse Transfer – requires CBHE to
establish policy that allows a student who
transfers from a community college to a
four-year institution to “transfer back”
completed credits to earn an associate
Course Transfer Library – requires all 2-year
and 4-year institutions to create by July 2014
a statewide core transfer library of at least
25 lower division courses that will transfer
among all public institutions
HB1042 - continued
Developmental education: CBHE must
require all 2 year and 4 year public
◦ to replicate best practices in remediation (as
identified by CBHE) – draft document
◦ to reduce ineffective methods of preparing or
retaining students or which delay students
from enrollment in college-level courses
HB1042 continued
CBHE Annual Report to Governor and
General Assembly must now include
campus-level data on student persistence
and progress toward implementing
revised remediation, transfer and
retention practices.
Remedial Education
“Best Practices” Document
◦ Must use multiple measures for placement
◦ Statewide “cut” score for standardized
◦ Program review
◦ Alignment with K-12 – HS must assess prior
to 10th grade
◦ Gen ed course should align with student’s
academic program of study
Performance Funding
Student Success and Progress (Year one
to Year two retention)
Increased Degree Attainment (Six-year
graduation rate)
Quality of Student Learning (General
Education assessment – ETS Proficiency
Financial Responsibility and Efficiency
(Percent spent on core mission)
Performance Funding 5. MWSU Institutional Measure
The number of students who participated in
research, projects or creative activities that
have resulted in a peer-reviewed publication,
presentation, performance, exhibit or
external award.
Performance Funding
Funding received if
◦ Current three-year average improves over the
institution’s previous 3-yr rolling average OR
◦ Current three-year average is at or above the
level of “sustained excellence” (66th percentile
of peers)
• MWSU Peer group includes open admission,
public institutions with Carnegie classification
of baccalaureate or higher
• FY14 MWSU met the target on 4 measures –
did not meet graduation target
Recruitment and Student
Always important; increased significance
to the institution
 Consultant, Dick Eastop here in Sept
 Committee has developed draft
recommendations to address student
persistence; need faculty input and
 Student engagement
Program Review
Missouri Coordinating Board for Mo
Higher Education review of “lowperforming” programs
◦ Undergraduate programs with a three-year
average of less than 10 graduates per year
◦ Graduate programs with a three-year average
of less than 5 graduates per year
◦ Remedial education
Teacher Education
CBASE will be replaced with a new test for
admission into teacher education
PRAXIS will be replaced with several tests
to be administered at points in the
curriculum. Licensure requires passing all
Overall GPA of 2.75 now required for
licensure; 3.0 GPS in content area & 3.0 GPA
in professional education sequence
Advisement will be critical during transition
Western Governors University
Competency-based; not credit hour based
Students pay a flat rate for six months of
study (about $3,000)
 Self-paced; students demonstrate mastery of
 Students get assistance from student
mentors or course mentors
 As of June 2013 there were over 39,000
total students; 450 students from MO
 Strongly supported by Arne Duncan, US
Dept of Ed and MO Governor Nixon
Faculty Involvement
We need faculty help
 Ad hoc committees