9th grade Syllabus 2013- Clifton - Teacher Blogs

HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
Hoya Pride
(Helping Our Youth Achieve by Providing Relevant Instruction for a Diverse Environment)
Ninth Grade Literature and Composition – Spring 2013
Mrs. Julie Clifton – Julie.Clifton@cobbk12.org
Welcome to Ninth Grade Lit/Comp for the spring semester 2013!
Ninth grade is a very important year academically. Therefore, it is
extremely necessary for you to be prepared to work diligently this
Start and finish STRONG!
Prentice Hall Literature: Language and Literacy Grade Nine -- Available online at
Vocabulary Workshop Level D – Each student is required to purchase a vocabulary
workbook at the beginning of the semester. Each workbook costs $10.00. If the
workbook is lost at any point during the semester, the student must pay another $10.00
for a replacement.
Vocabularyworkshop.com for vocabulary practice
HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
Support Materials:
Various short stories, poems and essays from the textbook and outside sources.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The play is printed in the students’ text, but
students are encouraged to purchase the book No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet which
contains a translation alongside Shakespeare’s words. The book is also located online at:
The Odyssey by Homer which is printed in the textbook
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.
There will be a class set of these novels, but students are encouraged to acquire their own
copies of the books for annotation and study at home.
USATestPrep and MySkills Tutor for practice with EOCT questions.
Teacher/Parent Communication
Please be sure to check Mrs.Clifton’s blogs daily, for relevant information regarding
assignments, make-up work, assessments/projects, the EOCT/PSAT, etc. (The daily
assignments on the blog are subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances during the
class period or school schedule).
According to school board policy, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled through the
school counseling office. I encourage parents to email or call at any time with questions or
concerns; the quickest way to contact me is by email.
Dr. Strickland
Mr. Davidson
Mrs. O’Meara
Mrs. Mooney
HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
Grading: course categories and weights
PSAT/SAT/ACT prep grammar 5%
Writing Assessments 10%
Writing Summative Assessments 15%
Portfolio 10%
Vocabulary 5%
Reading Informational Assessments 15%
Reading Literary Assessments 10%
EOCT (End of Course Test) 20% (Counts as final exam)
Grades will be reported through the PINNACLE SYSTEM. Parents may receive an account
through Admin One.
Class Information:
1. Be on time. Students should be seated when the tardy bell rings. If a student is not in the
classroom when the tardy bell sounds, he/she must report to Adm. 2 for a tardy pass – no
exceptions. Refer to the student handbook for the consequences of excessive tardiness. No
student is allowed to loiter outside the classroom between class changes. In addition, students
are not allowed to line up at the door before the dismissal bell.
2. Hand in work on time. This is extremely important for English. Not having your completed
assignments will lower your average. If an unusual circumstance arises which calls for an
extension on a due date, students should notify Ms. Fetner as soon as possible.
3. Make up missed work. Make up work is only accepted for an EXCUSED absence. When
absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make up work. Students who miss a previously
announced test, quiz, or project are expected to turn in the assignment or take the test/quiz on
or before the due date. (If you know you will be going on a family trip or school activity, make
sure you hand in assignments and schedule to take the assessment before you go!)
4. Be prepared to take notes. While classes are frequently broken up into activities,
discussions, presentations, etc., you should expect to take notes on a daily basis. Never ask the
question “do we need to know this?” and instead, assume that if we are discussing the topic in
class, you will be expected to know it.
HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
5. Writing is necessary. Writing is a process that requires brainstorming, planning, research,
pre-writing, and editing. Be prepared to write several drafts of an assignment. All essay
assignments will be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double spaced.
6. Do Not Plagiarize. Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a discipline referral.
7. Keep all handouts. If you lose a handout, you are responsible for acquiring another copy.
8. Classroom behavior should demonstrate maturity, responsibility, and respect for Ms. Fetner,
Mrs. Etoll and classmates.
9. Restroom visits should take place between classes. Students are not allowed out of class
the first or last ten minutes of any period.
10. Keeping the room clean is everyone’s responsibility. It is important that you help to keep
the room tidy and clean. Please police the area around your desk daily to throw away any trash.
Recycle when appropriate! No eating or drinking (other than water) will be allowed in class.
This removes the threat of ants, roaches, carpet stains, etc.
11. Required summer reading is due on Tuesday, January 22. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
This is an important assignment! Failure to complete the assignment will result in
you starting the semester with two zeros. You may turn in this assignment early
for extra credit (5 pts) on Friday, January 18. The summer reading assignments
can be found on the Harrison webpage under the Academics tab.
12. Format for written work. All writing assignments must be typed in MLA format. The only
exceptions are rough drafts and scantron tests.
For typed papers, use 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Margins should be one
inch all around. Use the double space format setting.
All subsequent pages should show your last name and page number in the upper
right corner – no comma. (Ex: Fetner 2).
Hand written papers should only be written on the FRONT of your paper and
double spaced.
Use the MLA heading format for your papers.
o Your Name
o Clifton
o 9th Lit/Comp - class period
o date
HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
Students will always need and are responsible for having the following items in
class every day: Textbook and Vocabulary book
A flashdrive (necessary for composing essays and/or projects)
Three-ring binder (11/2” to 2”) - with dividers – set up as follows:
Portfolio (writing process pieces)
Literature notes (handouts, guided reading questions, literary terms)
Parallel readings (notes and handouts from the parallel selections)
“Synthesize This”
Blue/ black ink pens (no pink, purple, green, etc)
LOTS of loose-leaf paper
Two different colored highlighters
One box of tissues
Keep these policies in the front of your binder.
Sign this sheet to reflect your understanding and acquiescence to the policies and
procedures of Ninth Grade Literature and Composition.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right” – Henry Ford
HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
HHS Performance Goals 2011-2014
Student Performance Goal: Student scores in the “exceeds” category on the Georgia High School
Graduation Writing Test will increase by two percent each year over a three-year period.
School Performance Goal:
Our school will celebrate and acknowledge achievements and accomplishments to increase student satisfaction
on the school improvement survey by five percent each year over a three-year period.
Ninth Grade Literature and Composition
Mrs. Julie Clifton
Harrison High School
Spring 2013
Please sign the following and have your child return it by Friday, January 11th . It
is extremely important for me to have this information filed.
I have read and understand the policies and procedures for Ninth Grade
Literature and Composition.
Student’s name
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
Parent Email Address (please print legibly)
Phone number where you can be reached during the day___________
Please record any information I need to know about your child.