Lingua Italiana 16 12 2014 programme

Registration and coffee
Welcome and introduction
Angeliki Petrits (European Commission)
Alessia Plutino (University of Southampton) and Enza Siciliano Verruccio (SIS - University of Reading)
The Society for Italian Studies video projects
Daniela La Penna, (SIS - University of Reading)
L’italiano lingua del’Unione Europea
Italo Rubino (Directorate-General for Translation, Italian Language Department, European Commission)
Session 1A
Session 1B
Delivering an interdisciplinary specialist language module to
History of Art students
Cinzia Bacilieri (University of York)
Fostering students’ engagement and production: how
Twitter’s 140 characters limit can boost language learning
and cultural awareness
Alessia Plutino (University of Southampton)
Cultural Heritage and CLIL methodology in Italian schools. A
key factor in intercultural education to ensure quality school
processes for all in Europe and as a means to promote Italian
language in British schools
Elena Fravia Castagnino Berlinghieri (Vice-President
University Woman of Europe)
Elena Trincanato (University of Bath)
Italian language and music: strategies to engage students in
the study of Italian
Rachel Haworth (University of Hull)
Innovative online activities on a Beginners’ Italian course:
an Interactive map of Italy
Anna Proudfoot (Open University)
Title to be confirmed
Andrea Villarini (Centro FAST, Università di Siena)
Session 2A
Session 2B
Should Italian gestures be taught? Reflections on an
extracurricular event with director Luca Vullo
Errors committed by anglophones learning Italian as a
second language
Chiara La Sala (University of Leeds)
Vera Castiglione (University of Bristol)
Luca Vullo, (Film maker and founder of Ondemotive Productions)
La pubblicità in TV, una didattica dell’Italiano “dentro” i
media. Lo spot come “testo strategico comunicativo”
Enrico Cecconi (University of Bath)
Insegna così impari – a peer-teaching & technology
enhanced grammar project
Marcella Oliviero (University of Bristol)
Andrea Zhok (University of Bristol)
Coffee break
Session 3A
Session 3B
Non è mai troppo tardi: learning Italian in later life
Francesca Perazio (University of Strathclyde)
Angela Maggiolo (Comune di Padova)
Learners’ imagined identities in manuals for learning
Italian as a foreign language: from John Florio’s manual to
au-pairing in Italy
Sonia Cunico (University of Exeter)
Interdisciplinarity and Italian. Teaching Italian Literature and
A level Topics to Adults
Carmela Amodio-Johnson (Language Consultant)
Ministero degli Affari Esteri : la promozione della lingua
italiana in UK - settore scolastico
Proiezione dello spot promozionale dei corsi di lingua
italiana del regista Luca Vullo
Mara Emanuela Luongo (Dirigente dell’ Ufficio Scolastico
Consolato di Londra)
Concluding remarks
Alessia Plutino (University of Southampton) and Enza Siciliano Verruccio (University of Reading)
The Society for Italian Studies
in partnership with the European Commission Representation in the UK,
on the occasion of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union,
with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in London.