Milton Primary School Our School Vision: To work actively in partnership to ensure every child achieves their full potential in an inclusive, supportive, safe, stimulating and motivating environment. January Newsletter Session 2015/2016 Tel:-01555 894282 web:- email:- I hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful break over the festive season. It certainly has felt like a rather wet and windy holiday rather than the crisp chill of Winter we have been used to over the last few years. I’m sure you will agree our McTivity was a great success with all classes enjoying their role within the performances. Thank you to the amazing number of friends, family and carers who were able to attend and show their support to all involved. Our raffle hampers/donations and ticket sales made the fantastic amount of £648.54 which will be used to purchase additional fiction and nonfiction books for our library and some active Literacy games. In Milton Primary School we pride ourselves on our ‘Milton Manners’. Pupils already know they can earn Golden Tickets from me for acts of kindness towards others, remembering our manners and also effort and determination for all tasks. Once pupils have managed to collect three Golden Tickets, they will be able to redeem these for a special prize from my prize basket. I look forward to giving some tickets out in the very near future. Lorna James Head Teacher Christmas Jumper Day Well done to pupils and staff who helped raise £108.88 for St Andrew’s Hospice on Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 18th December. Lyndsey from St Andrew’s Hospice will be visiting us in the near future during our assembly to talk to pupils about the important role the hospice has in our community. Our Aims and Values * To ensure all pupils are nurtured, safe, active, healthy, achieving, included, respected and responsible. * To promote rights and responsibility and through this, aim for every member of the school community to be treated with equality, fairness and respect. * To provide a wide range of opportunities which give the children the capacity to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. * To improve the achievement and attainment by providing high quality education. At the Heart of Milton is… At the heart of Milton is… … Hard-work Enthusiasm Achievement Respect Team Work Lesmahagow High School Carol Concert Well done to all the musicians and choir members who were able to take part in Lesmahagow High School’s Carol Concert last month. The music and songs were most uplifting and all agreed the event was a fantastic success. Thank you to Miss Weir and Mrs Fox who continue to take our choir on Mondays during lunchtime. Any new members from P4-7 who would like to attend would be made most welcome. Pre-Entry Registration P7 Transition Enrolment of pupils eligible to begin school in August 2016 will take place next week. Appointments can be made by phoning 01555 894282. Times for registration will be:Monday 11th Jan – 9.30-11.30 and 1.30-2.30 th Tuesday 12 – 9.30-11.30 and 1.30-4.00 th Wednesday 13 – 9.30-11.30 Thursday 14th– 1.30-2.30 th Friday 15 – 9.30-11.30 The school requires each child’s full birth certificate and two pieces of documentation to clarify proof of residency. Times have been shared within the community but if you know of anyone registering can you please pass this information on – thank you. We look forward to welcoming all our new entrants soon as they begin their new journey. Primary 1 Lunch Save the Date We would like to invite our current Primary 1 parents/carers to join us as our ‘finer diners’ on Thursday 14th. More information with regards to menu choices will be given in due course. We hope you will be able to attend, enjoy some healthy food and chat with your children over lunchtime. Keep an eye out for your special invite soon. P4/5 Magic Castle Enterprise Primary 4/5 are currently planning their ‘Magic Castle’ enterprise. The topic will provide lots of interesting contexts for imaginative writing, role play, art and design and music opportunities. The class will be holding a magical enterprise evening on Thursday 21st January. Look out for ‘pupil post’ notices from P4/5 for more information soon. Primary 7 are looking forward to beginning their transition events with Lesmahagow High School. They will have the opportunity to experience the science labs on Tuesday 19th. Copies of Lesmahagow High School Handbook are available at our front office on request or can be downloaded from the school website. Hopscotch Theatre Company/ Scottish Week Primary 4-7 will be treated to a performance of, ‘Burns’ Last Supper’ on Thursday 14th January. We will also be hosting a Scottish week starting Monday 25th where pupils will be entertained by a Scottish Story Teller and will take part in a number of themed events throughout the week before finishing the week with some traditional tastes of Scotland including shortbread, tablet and a small taste of Irn-bru or Scottish water. P.E Kit Decision Thank you to all who took part in our recent PE survey. Results are currently being collated and will be sent home next week. Adverse Weather As noted in December’s newsletter advice regarding school closures due to severe weather can be accessed via the council website at and twitter @SouthLanCouncil. I will also update the school website (address above) as soon as any information is given regarding any weather/closure advice. Dates for your Diary Monday 11th - Friday 15th Enrolment week Thursday 14th P4-7 Hopscotch Theatre Co Tuesday 19th P7 Lesmahagow High School Science Lab experience Thursday 21st P4/5 Magic Castle Enterprise Evening 6.30pm-8.00pm Monday 25th Scottish Week