Shaw Trust Presentation - Employability in Scotland

Thank you
Any questions?
Tanya Gilchrist – Work Choice Implementation Manager Scotland
“I am absolutely delighted that the Department for Work and Pensions
has confirmed Shaw Trust as the Prime Contractor for 16 CPAs out of
28. Shaw Trust are also delivering as a Tier 2 Supplier in 6 CPAs. This
has enabled the organisation to further utilise its knowledge and
expertise in assisting disabled and disadvantaged people on their
journey to employment and greater independence”.
Sally Burton, Chief Executive of Shaw Trust
Strategic context
About Shaw Trust :
• Successfully delivered Workstep and Work Preparation for over 25 years
• Previously with a national contract of 3234 places now +14500
• specialist Advisers delivering these services in the context of the
social model of disability
• A 57% progression rate with 92% sustained outcomes
• Delivery to quality inspectorate requirements
Our years of experience has helped to build our platform for
the design and delivery of Work Choice.
CPA 1 – as a Tier 2 supplier to the Prime - Highlands, Islands
CPA 2 – Forth Valley, Fife and Tayside
CPA 3 – Glasgow, Lanarkshire & E. Dunbartonshire
CPA 4 – Edinburgh, Lothian, Borders & Ayr.
Working with the DWP/JC+
We support people who face complex barriers to finding and maintaining employment.
• Lack of confidence and/or self esteem?/Physical and/or sensory impairment
• Mental ill health/Learning disabilities/Social exclusion
• People in employment who have an acquired disability or a worsening
health condition.
Role of the DEA Work Choice:
•Determining eligibility & suitability
•Offering Choice to the Customers (where choice is available)
•Point of contact for the participant if they have any concerns with Work Choice
Delivery model
Referral Management / Initial
contact / Assessment
The Customers Journey
The initial contact and assessment process will ensure the Client has a greater
opportunity to realise their potential
Shaw Trust Direct – Central Point for all Referrals
Dea/Statutory Referral Organisation Referral
Getting Ready for Employment – Initial Assessment – within 10 days!
Development plan
Measurable goals against distance travelled model
Delivery model
Module 1
Getting ready for employment
A range of interventions and activities selected and owned by Clients to challenge
personal and work focused barriers and both encourage and evidence progression.
Support activities - 8 – 16 hours
Foundation development
121 weekly reviews
Dealing with and overcoming barriers
Employability skills
Employer engagement
Supported Business opportunities
Distance travelled score informs Client support level
26 weeks support with possibly extension
Delivery model
Module 2
Getting ready for independence
Client moves into employment:
Job confirmation meeting
3 way job set-up meeting
Support activities of a minimum of 8hrs per month
Module 2 activity for up to 18 months, focus is on progression and sustainability
Job orientation
Progression and interventions will be evident through application of
the distance travelled model and support levels
Achievement reports provide stakeholders with comprehensive evidence of
programme impact and supports distance travelled and progression to
unsupported employment.
Delivery model
Module 3
Getting ready for lifelong choices
Client evidence a clear requirement for longer term support through distance
travelled scoring & review.
Goals will be wide ranging
Support activities of a minimum of 4 hrs per month
Review programme progression
Further assessment to prioritise support
Supporting client independence
Employer capacity building
Working with
Supported Businesses
•We work with 11 Supported Businesses throughout this CPA
•Supporting 543 Customers
•Holding joint workshops to build capacity within the business to progress
and develop Customers into open employment
• Process for monitoring occupancy & Vacancy Management
• Negotiate and agree performance measures
Delivery partners
Craigowl & Cornerstone
Our delivery partnerships will provide an excellent and competent supply
We have ensured that:
• They have experience with our Customer group
• They have substantiated, historical performance
• They have proven quality of service provision
• Delivery is localised
•Tier 3 Suppliers – Shaw Trust wish to here from suppliers who may want to
work with us.
This, coupled with Shaw Trust’s knowledge of the overall supply chain will
delivery a quality service to our Clients
Developing Partnerships
•Shaw Trust are keen to develop our existing partnerships and develop new
•Local delivery is essential and we are keen to support the sustainability of
specialised services.
•Suppliers are invited to register their interest in working with Shaw Trust as a Tier 3
Supplier within Work Choice or as a supplier within the Work Programme
• To do this please contact me: or visit our Web Site
– Partnership Opportunities.