2016 Schedule – Capital Grants Programme Expression of Interest School: SES: School Address: Contact Name: Ph: Email: Proposed Project: Briefly explain the need for the facility: Estimated Cost: $ School Contribution: $ Site of Project: Is the project site….. Owned: Leased: Who is the registered owner: If leased, please state length of lease: Expiry Date: When would you hope to begin use of the new facility: month/year When would you plan to commence works: month/year Has the school investigated Town Planning with the local Council: Does the school have a Master Plan: Is this project part of the Master Plan: Does the school have a detailed Maintenance Plan: Does the school have VRQA registration for the proposed site of the project: Does the school have VRQA registration for proposed year levels at the site: If not yet registered, when do you expect to gain the appropriate registration: Return via email on or before Friday 29 August 2014 to Rosslyn.Culpitt@is.vic.edu.au