dik2baehaqi@yahoo.com 1. 2. 3. Pendidikan disiplin ilmu PKn sebagai tradisi dalam social studies Objek, tujuan dan materi pokok PKn Budaya Helenisme Budaya Semitisme Fides quarens intellectum Keimanan lebih penting dari pikiran Fungsi dan Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional Intellectus quarens fidem Pikian lebih penting daripada keimanan Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggung jawab (Pasal 3 UU No. 20 Tahun 2003) Suatu batang tubuh disiplin (baru) yang menyeleksi konsep, generalisasi, dan teori dari struktur disiplin-disiplin ilmu (universitas) dan disiplin ilmu pendidikan yang diorganisasikan dan disajikan secara ilmiah dan psikologis untuk tujuan pendidikan (Nu’man Somantri, 2001) 1. 2. Merupakan kajian yang bersifat multifacet, karena multi, inter, cross, dan transdisciplinary, khususnya meliputi Disiplin Ilmu Pendidikan, Disiplin Ilmu (murni/non kependidikan, humaniora (seperti seni, sastra), dan dimensi lain seperti kebudayaan bahkan agama Merupakan hasil rekayasa, seleksi, adaptasi, adopsi, modifikasi, simplifikasi dari konsep-konsep, generalisasi, teori, konstruk, dan dalil dari disiplin ilmu pendidikan dan disiplin ilmu (murni, non kependidikan) yang diorganisasikan secara ilmiah, pedagogis, dan psikologis sesuai tujuan pendidikan untuk disajikan di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan menengah Disiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan Disiplin Ilmu Pendidikan Agama, Pancasila, dan Pendidikan Umum, terutama pengetahuan fungsional dan kegiatan dasar manusia Pendidikan Disiplin Ilmu Disajikan dengan pendekatan ilmiah, pedagogis, dan psikologis Istilah Pendidikan Disiplin Ilmu dapat diidentifikasi dalam kajian keilmuan dan pembelajaran, seperti: science education, social education, social studies, social science education, social studies education, study of society and environment, dan istilah lain yang memiliki karakteristik sebagai suatu synthetic discipline Social studies (Studi sosial) adalah bidang kajian akademik di perguruan tinggi maupun bidang kurikuler untuk tingkat sekolah dasar dan menengah 1. 2. 3. Social studies as citizenship transmission Social studies as social science Social studies as reflective inquiry Purpose Social studies taught as citizenship transmission Social studies taught as social science Social studies taught as reflective inquiry Citizenship is best promoted by inculcating right values as a framework for making decisions Citizenship is best promoted by decision making based on mastery of social science concepts, processes, and problems Citizenship is best promoted through a process of inquiry in which knowledge is derived from what citizens need to know to make decisions and solve problems Method Social studies taught as citizenship transmission Social studies taught as social science Social studies taught as reflective inquiry Transmission: transmission of concepts and values by such techniques as textbook, recitation, lecture, questions and answer sessions, and structured problem solving exercises Discovery: Each of the social sciences has its own method of gathering and verifying knowledge, Students should discover and apply the method that is appropriate to each social science Reflective inquiry: Decision making is structured and disciplined through a reflective inquiry process which aims at identifying problems and responding to conflicts by means of testing insifhts Content Social studies taught as citizenship transmission Social studies taught as social science Social studies taught as reflective inquiry Content is selected by an authority interpreted by the teacher and has the function of illustrating values, beliefs, and attitudes Proper content is the structure, concepts, problems, and processes of both the separated and the integrated social science disciplines Analysis of individual citizen’s values yield needs and interests, which, in turn, form the basic for student self selection of problems. Problems, therefore, constitute the content for relection 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Social studies as citizenship transmission Social studies as social science education Social studies as reflective thinking Social studies as social criticism Social studies as personal development of the individual Social studies as citizenship transmission Those who adhere to this definition hold that social studies should transmit basic concepts of our history and our cultural heritage. They feel that responsible citizenship grows from a through understanding of the best of our cultural heritage Social studies as social science education This definition is favored by those exponents of realism and positivism who believe that the social studies content and methods of study should be drawn from the social sciences. Effective citizens know basic concepts and can use methods drawn from the social sciences to handle issues and problems Social studies as reflective This definition is emphasized by those pragmatists thinking who believe that the central aim of the social studies is to develop thinking and decision making ability. Effective citizens can use models and processes of thinking and decision making to solve problems and resolve issues Social studies as social criticism This is the emphasis of reconstructionist who believe that the central aim of the social studies is to develop the knowledge and skills needed to improve society. Responsible citizens can make critical analysis of current issues and problems and take appropriate Social studies as personal development of the individual This is stressed by proponents of progressivism and existentialism who believe that the program should be student centered and should develop the whole child society, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Self understanding and self direction are essential to responsible citizenship Secara metodologis, PKn sebagai suatu bidang keilmuan yang merupakan pengembangan tradisi social studies (transmisi kewarganegaraan), kini sudah berkembang pesat menjadi suatu struktur keilmuan yang dikenal sebagai citizenship education DOMAIN KURIKULER DOMAIN AKADEMIS SMART & GOOD CITIZENSHIP DOMAIN SOSIAL KULTURAL CIVIC DISPOSITION, CIVIC CONFIDENCE (Sikap dan kepribadian demokratis) CIVIC VIRTUE (Kebajikan) CIVIC SKILLS, CIVIC PARTICIPATION, CICIC RESPONSIBILITY (Partisipasi politik yang cerdas dan bertanggungjawab CIVIC COMMITMENT (Kesediaan dan kemauan berdemokrasi) CIVIC CULTURE (Budaya kewarganegaraan) PERADABAN PANCASILA (Udin : 2010)