SAMR AND 1-1 INSTRUCTION Transforming Teaching and Learning 5-10-14 CSUF Think about the last decade of instruction under NCLB. Find a partner and discuss (from a teacher or administrator perspective) what worked and what didn’t work during those years. REFLECTION SHARE OUT WHAT WORKED AND DIDN’T WORK SHARE OUT WHAT WORKED AND DIDN’T WORK SUHSD is located in South San Diego Largest High School District in the State, Second largest in country 41,000 7-12 students, 36,000 adult school students Large Hispanic/Latino population High number of ELL learners High number of low SES East/West divide SUHSD – A BRIEF OVERVIEW 41,000 iPads over 6 years to all students Take home program 2014 will mark ½ way point in implementation of program LMS adoption Shift to Common Core and rethinking teaching/learning SUHSD – IPAD INITIATIVE Divide into groups of 3-4 Look at the activities and use whatever method you wish to sort the activities (if you are familiar with SAMR, don’t use as your sort methodology) 5-10 minutes Share Out your group’s thinking and rationale GROUP ACTIVITY Developed by Ruben R. Puentedura, Ph.D. SAMR defines these levels of technology integration. Our goal is to have our students create content and learn in a technology rich environment with opportunities to apply their critical thinking skills. SAMR in 120 seconds: SAMR OVERVIEW NO BAD PLACE EXCEPT COMPLACENCY SAMR AND COMMON CORE SAMR LADDERS AND ADOPTION TIMELINES THINKING ABOUT SAMR IN SUHSD /1YJWcCwIDGxckvHLY4Kk8ORob1Zk0Ka0fMaIMsXQslJM/edit COMMENTS/QUESTIONS