Unit A Ch 3 ICT

Chapter 3 ICT Masters
ICT 3–1, Using the Sun to Make Safe Drinking Water — Internet Connect (p. 53)
ICT 3–2, Purifying City Drinking Water — Internet Connect (p. 54)
ICT 3–1
Using the Sun to Make Safe Drinking Water
Explore the web site to learn how to use the energy from the Sun to make clear water safe to
drink. Although the site discusses what to do in a flood, you can use the information provided
whenever there is a shortage of safe drinking water.
What to Do
• Follow the steps.
• If you are doing this from a printed master, record your answers in your Science Log or
• If you are using a word processor, enter your answers electronically. Remember to save your
work as you go.
Part A: Making Water Safe to Drink
1. On the Guide to Safe Water in a Flood web site, use the scroll bar to navigate through
different sections of the web page.
2. Read the information and then answer the following questions.
What Did You Discover?
1. Describe the following:
(a) dirty water
(b) clear water
(b) safe water
2. What are some of the ways that drinking water can be contaminated during a disaster such as a
3. Why is it dangerous to drink contaminated water?
4. List the three rules you should follow to reduce your chances of becoming ill from
contaminated water.
5. What are three things you can do to treat water and make it safe to drink?
6. What is SODIS?
7. When should you use SODIS?
8. List the seven steps in the SODIS technique to treat water.
Part B: How Does It Work?
1. On the Water Treatment FAQ web site, use the scroll bar to navigate to the Sol-Air Water
Treatment section of the web page. Sol-Air Water Treatment describes how the Sun can be used
to make safe drinking water.
2. Read the information and then answer the following questions.
3. If time permits, build your own apparatus that uses the Sun to make clear water safe to drink.
What Did You Discover?
1. What is the name of this method of water treatment?
2. What two things must be present before this method of treating water will work?
3. To be effective, how long should the pop bottle stay in the Sun?
4. In order to ensure high levels of oxygen in the water, what do you need to do every few hours?
5. Would this method of water treatment be effective in northern Canada? Explain why or why
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. Permission to reproduce this page is granted to the purchaser for use in his/her classroom only.
ICT 3–2
Purifying City Drinking Water
{AB.SC14.A.K.1.iv} {AB.Sc14.A.S.2.iii} {AB.Sc14.A.S.3.vi} {AB.Sc14.A.S.4.ii}
You may not know it, but environmental engineers work to minimize your impact on the
environment. They use scientific theories and principles to provide you with safe water, protect
your environment and habitat, and manage waste. This Internet Connect gives you the
opportunity to learn more about one of these jobs — providing you with safe drinking water.
As you explore the web sites, you will:
• learn about the purpose of the water treatment plant; and
• list the steps in purifying drinking water.
What to Do
• Follow the steps.
• If you are doing this from a printed master, record your answers in your Science Log or
• If you are using a word processor, enter your answers electronically. Remember to save your
work as you go.
Water Treatment
1. On the University of Calgary Environmental Engineering web site, click on the Water
Treatment button.
2. Take a close look at the schematic diagram of a water treatment plant and then click on the
Detailed Information button.
3. Use the information to answer the questions that follow.
What Did You Discover?
1. What is the primary purpose of a water treatment plant?
2. The steps in water treatment are numbered 1–13 on the diagram. Use the following questions
to help you summarize these steps.
Step 1. What is the function of the moving screens?
Step 2. Why are low lift pumps needed?
Step 3. What chemical is always added to the water at this point? Why?
Step 4. Why is alum added in this step?
Step 5. Why do you think the mixing process is important?
Step 6. What is a "floc"?
Step 7. What is the purpose of the sedimentation basins?
Step 8. What do the dual media filters do?
Step 9. Where is the entire process controlled?
Step 10. What is the purpose of a clear well?
Step 11. What chemical is added at this stage? Why?
Step 12. What is the purpose of high lift water pumps?
Step 13. What is the distribution system?
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited. Permission to reproduce this page is granted to the purchaser for use in his/her classroom only.