Trajan`s column


Trajan’s column

A.D. 113

p.51 of your



built by Emperor Trajan (north of main forum)

Architectural type: Relief sculpture

Purpose: Commemorates Trajan’s victories over the Dacians and propaganda to remind Romans of Trajan’s success as military leader

Subject matter of sculptural reliefs:

Trajan against the Dacians

Dates of construction: AD 112-113

Success of

Dimensions: 38m high including the base

p.54 of your workbooks

Date of the structure: AD 112-113

Where was it to be found: trajan’s forum, rome

Who built it: Trajan

What is the total height?

38m high (including base)

What is the length of the frieze?

200m long

What does the structure commemorate?

Trajan fought

2 campaigns in Dacia in AD101-102 & 105-106 & booty of these financed the forum’s construction.

What is the structure made of?

Carrara marble

How is emperor Trajan depicted? In a realistic manner, as a solider among the other soldiers, involved in the action, dominates scene by his continual presence, slightly larger than figures around him.

What problems did the structure face? bands would be hardest to see.

The uppermost

3 ways the column was to commemorate the achievements of Trajan: a statue of the emperor stood on top (lost in middle ages & replaced in 1588 with statue of St Peter)

Sculptural reliefs which winds 23 times around column depicting military victories in Dacia

Pedestal served as a tomb for Trajan’s ashes after his death in AD117

3 ways to help the viewer to see the column:

Human figures were progressively larger as they went up (0.6m-0.8m)

The band height gradually increased as it went up.

(0.9m-1.25 at top)

Figures were made more prominent – added colour, metal accessories, grooving around the contours of the figures



Starts in lower Dacia, roughly made houses and boats. Army setting out (carrying supplies). River god Danube (river Danube defined region of Dacia’s border) river god depicted links back to hellenistic Greece e.g. shaggy hair and beard.

Easy mix of human and imaginery figures.

Close attention to detail, designer of reliefs drew from official records e.g some soldiers have badge of their battalions

Trajan and soldiers are walking over a pontoon

(bridge over boats)

Troops attack in a testudo or

Tortoise formation, shields locked above their heads

Legions of soldiers performing military manouvers.

Dacians have shaggy hair, floppy caps and beards tunic capes and trousers.

Capture of Dacian King

Perspectives are everywhere

(mixed up) different ground lines, higher, lower, facing different ways. High and low relief>> life and vitality, action, movement, variation.

Continuous narrative focussed on Rome as a ‘military machine’

Continuity provided by friezes which change in height from bottom to top. Human figures grow in size.

2500 human figures, 155 separate scenes wind 23 times around the column.

Trajan can be identified by being a little bigger than the others, a low brow, heavy fringe across forehead, pointed nose, wide thin lips. He is the only individual who is recognisable.

In what ways was the original appearance of the column different from what we see today?

Statue on top is now of St Peter, was formerly Trajan

Frieze was coloured – now lost

Metal accessories such as horses’ gear now lost

Emperor’s ashes

What image of Trajan is seen in the reliefs? In what ways is this different from or similar to that of Titus in the reliefs in the Arch of Titus?

Trajan shown in realistic manner, as soldier among other soldiers

In contrast, Titus shown as superhuman & godlike. Trajan is human sized not superhuman

Trajan personally involved in action

Trajan dominates actions because he is in all scenes

Trajan is shown in action, during actual events of campaign

Titus is shown on an eagle, ascending to heaven in his apotheosis, he is attended by divine personifictions & crowned by winged victory

Using Paul Artus & Workbook

Work through the notes in your workbook using Paul Artus p.49-55, & write notes

You need to know:

 subject matter of 1 st four bands

Themes covered and story

Portrayal of Trajan

Point of view

Read Johnathan Campbell

Books p.25-31

Light Well

River god Danube
