光纖通訊與寬頻全球網路--向2009諾貝爾物理桂冠高錕教授致敬 演講大綱: Year 2010 is the 40th anniversary of the beginning of low-loss optical fibers for long-distance and high-speed telecommunications that completely transformed the world with almost unlimited communications capacity, and with the powerful Global Internet that has been enabled by the widely deployed global fiber networks forming the broadband information infrastructure around the world. In Oct. 2009, Dr. Charles K. Kao (formerly the President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his pioneering contributions to the optical fiber communications (OFC), and Dr. W. Boyle and Dr. G. Smith of Bell Labs also shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics for their invention of CCD device for digital electronic imaging. This talk will cover early stories of the R and D in photonics and optical fiber communications, and their impact on the modern human information societies with the broadband Global Internet. This special seminar is presented in honor of Prof. Charles K. Kao. 2010 年是低損耗光纖誕生四十周年紀念。專為高速長程通信系統而開發的光 纖,以其幾乎無限的通信容量完全改變世界。現今透過廣泛部署的全球 光纖網路啟用,已在世界各地形成寬頻資訊基礎設施,展現功能強大與 無遠弗屆的高速電信能力。2009 年 10 月,香港中文大學前校長高錕博 士(Prof. Dr. Charles K. Kao),光纖通訊開拓史中的先驅者,以其催生低 損耗光纖這個無與倫比的貢獻,與發明CCD 數位電子成像設備的貝爾實 驗室波義耳博士(Dr. W. Boyle)與史密斯博士(Dr. G. Smith),共同榮獲 2009諾貝爾物理學獎桂冠。本講座內容將包括在光子學與光纖通信研發 的早期故事,以及光纖與全球寬頻互聯網對現代人類資訊社會的重要影 響。 謹以這個研討會特別演講為頌詞,盛讚高錕教授諾貝爾物理獎榮耀 ~歡迎參加聽講~ 主辦單位:行政院國家科學委員會、臺灣大學電機資訊學院、 臺灣大學光電工程學研究所、臺灣大學電信工程學研究所