The process of adding a dye to a bacterial culture
Basic dye—possess a positive charge
Acidic dye—possess a negative charge
Remember, bacteria posses a slight negative charge on their surface
Use only one dye
For the purpose of viewing bacterial shapes and arrangements
Simple Stain the following:
E. coli
S. aureus
3) A colony from the “Microbes in the Environment” plate
Simple Staining (shapes and arrangements)
Differential Staining (Gram reactions)
Special Staining (Capsule, flagella, spores)
Prepare smear of bacterium
Air dry
Heat fix the bacteria to the slide
(release of “sticky” proteins from the cell surface of the bacteria adheres the bacterial cell to the slide)
Apply crystal violet to the smear; let stand 45 seconds
Rinse with distilled water or tap water
Blot dry with bibulous paper
View using microscope
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Methylene blue
Crystal Violet
Simple stains allow visualization of
Proteus vulgaris
Staphyloccocus aureus
Bacillus cereus
Fracisella tularensis
Causitive agent of Rabbit fever
Methylene blue stain
Sacharromyces cerevisiae
(Brewer’s yeast)
Methylene blue stain
Bacillus anthracis (anthrax)
Gram positive
Crystal violet stain
Campylobacter jejuni (traveler’s diarrhea)
Gram negative
Fuchsin stain