SERBCA Conference General Services Administration September 29, 2011 Public Buildings Service Southeast Sunbelt Region Total Building Commissioning & Recommissioning Timothy Wisner, PE, CEM, PMP 1 G S A ’ S P U B L I C B U I L D I N G S S E R V I C E (P B S) Landlord for over 400 federal agencies, bureaus & commissions Portfolio of 353.9 M rentable square feet Space for over 1,000,000 tenants 8,603 owned and leased assets 30 LEED certified properties (currently, many more soon) PBS REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AK Rocky Mountain Region 8 Northwest/Arctic Region 10 WA Great Lakes Region 5 Northeast & Caribbean Region 2 ND MT MI WI SD OR Heartland Region 6 ID WY NE MI IA NV UT ME VT NH MA CT RI NY PR IN IL Pacific Rim Region 9 New England Region 1 OH PA CO NJ VI MD KS MO WV Mid-Atlantic Region 3 CA KY VA DC OK AZ AR NC TN NM HI SC MS TX LA AL National Capital Region 11 GA Southeast Region 4 GU Greater Southwest Region 7 FL SOUTHEAST SUNBELT REGION • Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida • 39,000,000 square feet of federally owned or leased office, laboratory, warehouse, and courts space. • Tracked Building Inventory 130 Leased and Owned Buildings in EUAS • 21.5-million gross square feet (GSF) – Largest - AFC, 2.4-million GSF – Smallest – Warehouse 1000 GSF • $ 28.9-million FY 09 Utility Cost • Enough energy to power 10,831 homes annually 4 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning What is GSA Commissioning? GSA has adopted the definition of the National Conference on Building Commissioning (NCBC): “Systematic process of assuring by verification and documentation, from the design phase to a minimum of one year after construction, that all facility systems perform interactively in accordance with the design documentation and intent, and in accordance with the owner’s operational needs, including preparation of operation personnel” 5 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning What is GSA’s Policy on Commissioning? PBS DIRECTIVE FOR ASSISTANT REGIONAL ADMINISTRATORS, PBS DIRECTORS, PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORS, PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT FROM: F. JOSEPH MORAVEC, COMMISSIONER SUBJECT: Release of The Building Commissioning Guide Summary. Each Prospectus level project team whether on new construction, major repair and alteration, or modernization -shall use “Total Building Commissioning” practices beginning with the project planning phase, and concluding at one year after tenant occupancy. 6 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Our Definitive Source Document 7 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Old School Commissioning: HVAC Systems and Equipment Startup, Testing, and Turnover Total Building Commissioning Defines all project performance goals (Programming) Proactively supports project goals during design (QA) Validates performance in construction (QC) Revisits performance goals after tenant occupancy (POE) 8 COMMISSIONED BUILDING SYSTEMS HVAC systems Plumbing Building Management System Power Distribution Emergency Power Security Lighting and Lighting Controls Domestic Hot Water Fire Alarm/life safety systems Vertical Transportation Building Envelope systems •curtain wall assemblies •roofing, •windows doors •construction joints, •etc. 9 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Why Does GSA Commission? Design Excellence buildings are complex Our tenants include judges, congresspeople, heads of federal agencies, and others who we would rather not disappoint In all buildings, O&M and utility costs are closely linked to FFO In all buildings, tenant labor costs far exceed rent, O&M, and utilities, so productivity is crucial for tenant satisfaction 10 Why GSA Total Building Commissions - Really Sam M Gibbons US Courthouse, Tampa, FL Built late 1990’s, $ 85 million, 240,000 sq. ft. 17-story, high rise 2001, building was suspect of having “sick building syndrome” as employees complained of dizziness, headaches, and itchy eyes. The building suffered from significant water intrusion through multiple facade systems Extensive investigation of existing facade systems to document conditions and to identify water infiltration sources Design of remedial repairs for multiple types of facade systems including curtainwall, punch windows, metal panels, louvers, sealants, roofing systems , davits and tiebacks for the building Cost in for repairs and testing $ 20 million Why GSA Total Building Commissions - Really Willkie D. Ferguson Jr. Courthouse Miami, FL Started Construction 2002 with 3-year timeline and $ 100 million budget Opened 2007 wit $ 69 million increased costs thanks to water leaks, faulty equipment, and subcontractor lawsuits Still, after acceptance GSA has had to pay an additional $ 4 million in repairs WILKIE D. FERGUSON JR. COURTHOUSE POST OCCUPANCY CLAIMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. SDV Services Busway repairs and inspections Siemens Emergency Bus Duct Replacements Universal HVAC Repairs completed (Floors 6-9) Universal HVAC Repairs – planned (Floors 10-14) Teng Commissioning Report of HVAC deficiencies Reprogramming of HVAC systems AHU programming pilot Carpet Replacements Missing Infrastructure MCS Claim Settlement Water Feature repairs Chiller Piping Waterproofing exterior limestone columns Emergency generator exhaust repairs Roofing repairs Short Circuit Breaker replacements $63,100 $52,441.06 $360,100.00 $457,788.00 $320,014.16 $257,856.00 $15,000 $336,657.17 $116,500.00 $210,000.00 $255,318.00 $200,000.00 $135,000.00 $200,000.00 $369,062.00 $319,000.00 WILKIE D. FERGUSON JR. COURTHOUSE POST OCCUPANCY CLAIMS (continued) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22 23 24 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Noise in Courtrooms at Judge’s bench DERM UST SAR Reports & Tests-RJA Inspections Tower Building Sallyport Chiller cleaning Guards Chiller plant leaks design Control loops Parking area Correct leak at generator exhaust Elevator code deficiencies Sanitary sewer clean-outs Repair Sallyport wall due to bus duct explosion UPS Battery tests and re-certifications UPS Repair Limit switch for gate arm MC cable credit $130,000.00 $30,000.00 $6,814.13 $102,000.00 $26,963.52 $38,976.00 $7,372.00 $53,451.87 $16,000.00 $21,665.00 $2,504.00 $6,184.00 $11,100.00 $12,451.78 $3,465.00 $70,278.00 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Wilkie Ferguson Courthouse Energy Use Aug 2010 to July 2011 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 KWH 2010 2011 600000 Projected Use 400000 200000 0 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning What is GSA Recommissioning? According to the GSA Building Commissioning Guide, Recommissioning shall generally include: • Establishing that original basis of design and operation is still appropriate for use, occupancy, tenant agencies and GSA goals, and modify the operations/controls sequencing as appropriate for optimum operations • Reviewing and benchmarking key systems operations/performance against the Basis of Design • Evaluating envelope tightness/pressurization by infrared or other methods • Performing energy analysis • Recommending repairs/modifications to optimize building performance 17 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Why Recommission? Buildings are a moving target Space usage changes Equipment changes Systems change Original design intent is usually no longer completely valid 18 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Why Recommission? O & M is imperfect Inadequate budgets Training Incomplete or erroneous understanding of design intent and how to run the systems Incomplete documentation on building Retrofits, and no single plan of how to run the systems as modified Systems are too complex for operators 19 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning EISA Sec 432 Evaluation Compliance Plan EISA Sec 432 requires Federal Agencies complete Evaluations to include an energy and water evaluations and commissioning assessment for all of their covered facilities every four years. Covered Facilities are a subset of an agency’s inventory that makes up 75% of its total energy consumption. GSA’s covered facilities are comprised of 198 Facilities across the 11 regions. 20 AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT (ARRA) • $100 Million for “Building Tune-ups” 21 ARRA Recommissioning/Tune-up • Building Tune-up includes – – – – – First, Fix all obvious Controls Problems Recommission Add Advanced Metering Implement Energy Conservation Measures Improve building O & M 22 ARRA Recommissioning/Tune-up • • • • • Over 180 Buildings for Building Tune-up Lots in every Region Selected by highest Energy Intensity Tune-up has High Return per Dollar Spent Uniform Building Data Collection/Confirmation 23 ARRA Recommissioning/Tune-up • Justification for Small Project ECMs – Mostly, highest ROI wins – $300 Million in ARRA Small Projects funding 24 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning What are our resources? Sample Scopes of Work for Commissioning for Design-Bid-Build CMc Design-Bridge-Build Design-Build 25 GSA Commissioning & Recommissioning Summary Get a copy of “The Building Commissioning Guide” Log on to Log on to 26 SERBCA Conference Q&A 27