Bill Mumford - Think Local Act Personal

Key messages from the
National Market Development Forum and
Care Provider Alliance
Personalisation Summit, 11th September 2013
• The National Market Development Forum was established in
• It brings together more than 50 leaders from across the sector
to explore challenges for commissioners and providers in
developing diverse markets of personalised care and support
• It has published a range of briefing papers and practical tools
to move things forward, including:
1. A model for market facilitation (genesis of Dev Care Markets
for Quality and Choice)
2. A protocol to improve market relations
3. A framework for quality – what, how and who?
Key messages
Personalisation requires different ways of working from
commissioners who will cease over time to be the primary
purchasers in markets opened up to personal budgets
As well as significant changes in the diversity and flexibility
of supply
Choice and control is of little value if there is not a wider
range of local, quality, personalised services to choose
The only way this will come about is through
commissioners, providers and people using services
working together in respectful collaboration towards
shared solutions
Cost pressures and process driven commissioning practices
are in many areas impacting negatively
Commissioning for outcomes is part of the solution – but
procurement practice needs to support commissioning
The vision is strong
& shared
Real choice of support approach & provider
The advocacy needed to open choice to all
Light touch, creative & empowering processes
Citizens involved in commissioning decisions, not
just decisions about their own care
• Development of non-service approaches and of
services which enhance informal networks
• Info on outcomes gathered & fed back in
See: The New Social Care: strengths-based approaches at
… but the reality?
• Same narrow range of approaches & providers
• Advocacy & brokerage scarce: the most
vulnerable remain least able to express choices
• More bureaucracy, more gatekeeping
• Price-only procurement, including below-cost
• Across the board, no-choice resource cuts
• Little evidence of new commissioning culture
See: Investing in families & communities, via
So what do we do?
The duties in the Bill will help
Invest in choice-making & citizen voice
Learn from TLAP & co-production: Make it Real
Accelerate the development of communitybuilding and networked approaches
• Balance focus on demand (through personal
budgets), with focus on supply
• Make good on “no more per-hour purchasing”
Top challenges and opportunities
1. Protecting and further stimulating
market diversity
The Care Bill duties and associated
regulations, guidance on market
facilitation and agreed commissioning
2. Protecting and enhancing choice and
control alongside commissioning
practices predominantly designed to
drive out efficiency savings
Finding the right balance –
demonstrating the efficacy and
efficiency of working in coproduction
3. To take risks in a climate of fear
To get serious about co-design and coproduction with citizens and providers,
which would get us focused on good
lives, not cheap services: there is
capacity in communities, but it’s
ignored or undermined