WILLIAM PENN MIDDLE SCHOOL Five Keys to Success Assembly Please be reminded that William Penn has an allergen alert within the building for various aerosol sprays along with peanut and tree nut products. Extra-Curricular Activities Standards are very high for athletes Activities are a privilege, not a right (for spectators and for athletes) You represent William Penn middle school, coach, parents, and yourself Discipline may lead to loss of privilege Academic eligibility is required Students MUST be supervised by an adult staff member at all times 5 KEYS FOR STUDENT SUCCESS AT WILLIAM PENN Attend school on a daily basis. Give your best effort and show a positive attitude at all times. Treat others with courtesy and respect. Use good common sense, make good decisions, be responsible for your behavior. Get involved in school activities. Attendance pp 2-4 Required by law to attend school Tardiness counts against “perfect attendance” Excuse cards - within 3 days Sign In in office when late to school Leaving early–parent MUST come in to school for pick up Educational Trips – bring in note for Blue Card If attendance is low, doctor’s note may be required Arrange for missed work (buddy/homework hotline) NOT permitted to stay after school if unsupervised Electronic Equipment pp. 8-9 No radios, cell phones, Ipods/MP3 or personal electronic equipment to be used or worn in the building Cell phones and Ipods must be turned off and not used during the school day. First offense – teacher /parent contact ;confiscated and device sent to office Second offense – student sent to office; confiscated; detention (1hr) Third offense – student sent to office; confiscated; detention (2hr) Fourth Offense- student sent to office; suspension and item band from building. Cont. Electronic Equipment pp. 8-9 Computer usage is strictly guided by a district-wide internet acceptable use agreement, which must be signed by all students and their parents/guardians Internet violations will result in disciplinary action Endangering Acts pp.9-10 Running Fighting Weapons Threats Theft Laser pointers Safety Violations No skates, skate shoes, skateboards, scooters Vandalism and graffiti False Alarms School Discipline and/or the Police Dress Code pg. 5 What’s inappropriate? No hats, head coverings, bandanas, coats – No tank tops, belly shirts, low cut shirts – Shorts & skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh length with no lettering on the back side. Rule of thumb: fingertip length – No clothing with holes or rips of any kind – No backless shoes, flip-flops, all sandals must have a strap (safety) “Securely fastened to the foot” – No excessively revealing, or tight clothing – No clothing with inappropriate messages or advertisements – No sleepwear of any kind Administrators make all final decisions – Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco pp. 5-8 NONE! ABSOLUTELY NEVER! No prescription or over the counter meds – Possession or holding for another person is a violation No Drug Paraphernalia Tobacco - fine $126.84 & suspension for possession No open drinking containers in class, lockers, hallway (weather permitting) SUSPENSION - POLICE - FINES - POSSIBLE EXPULSION or ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL Bus Behavior p. 11 Students must ride assigned bus only. Bus riding is a PRIVILEGE – disciplinary action will be taken in the event of misconduct Students involved in inappropriate bus or bus stop behavior may be removed from the bus: – – – – – Out of seat Throwing objects Sitting improperly on the bus No food or drink Vandalism -Fighting -Verbal abuse - Bullying Harassment pp. 13-15 Verbal comments Drawings, notes Sexual harassment Gestures Bullying School related computer use ONLY Don’t be a Victim! Seek help when necessary – Talk with your parents or staff BE SURE TO RETURN SIGNED FORM STUDENT CONDUCT TOMORROW!!!! Thank you for your attention AND HAVE A GREAT YEAR!