Soldiers or priests were given land in exchange for their service, and to ensure their loyalty. Kings portrayed themselves as the deity’s earthly representatives. Peasants built with mud bricks. Scribes were used because most were illiterate. A scribe is a scholar charged by the temple with readings and writings. Women could own property and engage in trade, but men monopolized the political life. Irrigation techniques expanded the agricultural productions. First domestication of plant was during 800bce. This appeared by the Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia). Agriculture itself started in 5000 bce. Depended on the water supply. Sometimes a flood from the winter snow’s melting would cause the river to change course. Cities built temples and showed devotions to the communities gods. Ziggurat- multistory, mud/brick, pyramid- shaped tower and temple. Creation Myth (Babylonian)- people lived to serve the gods. (bathed, moved, entertained, ect.) Amulets- small charms meant to protect the bearer from evil. This epic tale has been translated off of twelve tablets found in ancient Mesopotamia. It is still studied today in high schools around the world. They were the earliest people in southern Mesopotamia, now Iraq. Lived in peace and merged with the Semitic people through intermarriage. ttp:// They had a legal and administrative system with jails and courts. They were divided into a dozen independent cities whose limits were defined by certain boundaries or canals. Accomplishments: • Very complex system of meteorology • Math system developed multiplication tables 1st to find volume of a cube and the area of a triangle. More Accomplishments: Developments: • Irrigation system • Sumerian-Akkadian • Wheel Dictionaries • Depended on Clay • Sumerian Boats • Cuneiform • Mapping visible stars and planets Religion Believed in gods, and that they existed to please their gods Enlil=god of air Enki= god of water Utu= god of sun Nanna= goddess of moon Anu= god of sky Inanna= goddess of attraction and violence Hebrews spoke…Hebrew, also called the “Holy Language” or the Jewish language. Gave us monotheism • Judaism • Torah- holy book The most important development of western civilization was the Hebrews’ religion. Civilization started in Mesopotamia but later moved to Egypt. Both locations had rich soil and river resources. • Centered around Palestine- This was the area the Hebrew God promised to his chosen people. • All areas were wealthy and powerful. •Went through Bronze and Iron Ages (1200 to 586 bce) Started as a monarchy with kings, yet this failed in in late 100 bce. It turned into 12 tribes with their own leaders. Later they were taken over by Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire During the 21st Century bce, migration of the Amorite tribes infiltrated Mesopotamia causing the sudden downfall of the NeoSumerian 3rd dynasty Occupied large parts of Mesopotamia from the 2nd half of the 3rd millennium They were nomadic people. &h=450&w=620&sz=51&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=VZ9CvyeZ4ynSkM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=136&prev=/images%3Fq%3Damorites%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 The rise of the Amorite kingdom brought about a deep and lasting repercussions in political, social, and economic structures. Encouraged a new society to emerge, a society of big farmers, free citizens, and enterprising merchants. Centralized government over individual city-states Men, land, and cattle belonged physically to the gods or to the temples and the king. Economic life was no longer in the hands of priests. The Amorites adopted the religion of the Sumerians. Spoke Ancient Semitic Code of Hammurabigave out social divisions (3 identified). Royalty, high-ranking, warriors, priests, and artisans were the highest class. Class of dependent farmers and legal attachments to royals were next. Last was the class of slaves in domestic service. • Penalties of the code depended on the class of the offender. (lowest class was the most severe) Used, sold and carved beautiful cedar wood. Turned some wood into boats. Sold the expensive Tyranian purple dye, and became known as the “purple nation.” Fine linen was also exported here. Phoenician Purple Dye Known to be the greatest traders of the Ancient Mediterranean. They are the first people to settle colonies based on sea fare. They became navigators. Made their own written language that looks similar to future Greek and now our alphabet. They used the sounds of the words to make out individual characters in their alphabet.