Rubric for Modern World History In-Class Essay on Enlightenment Philosophies of Government Name: _____________________________ Excellent (Exceeds Requirements) Good (Meets all Requirements) Acceptable (Meets most requirements) Unacceptable (Does not meet requirements Content 10 pts. More than 250 words; original critical thinking; thorough explanation of ideas; quotes from readings to support 250 words; strong critical thinking, good explanation of ideas 250 words; some critical Less than 250 thinking; basic words; unclear, explanation of ideas illogical or inaccurate; poor or no explanation of ideas Organization, Spelling and Grammar 5 pts. Cohesive paragraphs with strong topic sentences and clear development of the topic; transitions between paragraphs; few to no mistakes Paragraphs with topic sentences; each paragraph focuses on one topic; minor mistakes Division of essay into paragraphs in logical order; more serious mistakes, but essay is readable and comprehensible Confusing organization; essay jumps around; little to no attempt at proofreading; mistakes interfere with understanding